Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sluff Day

Today Natalie seemed tired. And yesterday she said she was sick, so I thought I'd let her sleep in. When she woke up she was fine, but I let her have a day off today. So after she woke up she and her little brothers went outside to play.
I said "Daniel! Smile!" - and of course that makes them look at him.... but he did his smile imitating me
Ok you three.... eyes over here!
Cuties. They tried to go sledding, but not enough snow for that.
It's melting a little bit on the north side of the street, but not much over here in the shade cause it's still sooo cold. I think it's gonna be a very chilly halloween tomorrow! And we loved talking to Joseph today! His letter this week is on his blog.
He mentioned that this next transfer coming up is only 5 weeks because if it was 6 weeks they'd have transfers on Christmas, and they don't want that. Soooo that means that all the transfer dates after that get pushed back a week too.  ...Soooo rumor has it that that will make his release date of June 9th turn into June 2nd!!!! BUT another rumor has it that since his official start of mission date of June 26th smack in the middle of those two tranfers, he might actually be pushed back now to July 14th! (boo!) Well he's excited about that, but I think that kinda sucks cause we'd rather see him sooner than later. And it also might stink cause we had been planning a family trip mid June to go see the Sacred Grove and Church History sites, so I don't know if we can push that back to July, also because Melodie and Ethan were planning on putting their availability date for their missions at the beginning of July, so yeah, a mid July release date for him kinda messes up the plans we were working on. We'll see, he's going to talk to his mission President and I think I'll email President Barney too, to see if we can find out for sure when he's done so we can make plans around it.

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