Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Yoga Baby

I have a yoga prodigy for a baby. The first we saw of this is documented in this September 15th photo...
I didn't even take that picture, I don't know which kid did, but that was the beginning of us noticing that Peter likes to look at things a little... differently. Now that he's gotten stronger legs and shoulders, we will often find him doing downward dog.
He's so funny. I love getting pictures of his little face upside down and between his little chubby legs! Peter!
Other pictures of downward dog Peter doing his yoga at the Church History Museum on date night
Peek a boo Peter!!! You are the cutest!
while nursing (pic 3) and at Parent teacher conferences...
Getting some good hamstring stretching in that triangle pose there. We love this little baby. In other news, I'm finished with my invisalign. I went in today and had my buttons removed. I'll see if I can get used now to not wearing my aligners all day.
I'm sure I won't miss them, but I did, out of habit, attempt to take them out several times today before I ate. And I am anxious to get my retainer, so I'll be wearing my last aligner til Friday. The lady said it would make a good back up retainer. And, per Sister Craig's counsel, I have an appointment to pray and study my scriptures at 5:30 am. I also wrote out the new Young Women's Theme, which makes a good meditative affirmation type thing to read each morning, and also "A Precious Human Life" which I first read on Sophi's violin teachers' door.
Good stuff. And I'm still doing pretty good at recording the day, not as good as planning it out before hand, but on the little post it I did put the things I needed to do each day, and that's been good to go over my plan with Heavenly Father, first time I've done that.

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