Friday, November 22, 2019

Dermoid Cyst

Hey there. So Abi had her small surgery procedure today.
It should have been a little surgery, but Abi likes to take things up a notch by fainting and not being able to handle blood.
She was all confident and snarky before going under the knife...
Not so sassy now though, huh Abs!
She almost got the ok to go, but then she passed out when they took our her IV. Corey said she actually made a weird like croaking sound and that her eyes bulged out like a frog, and they asked Corey if she's ever had seizures, and that kinda freaked Corey out, so he was ok about them having to stay for another 4 hours after that... It's called a "vagal response" up there where they use hospital vocabulary. Finally heading out.
So she went in to get a small "dermoid cyst" removed that was above her right eyebrow.
It went fine and we trust that she will heal nicely. So she traded her bump for a small scar. Corey took her and they were there at 10, supposedly to be in surgery for 45 minutes, but they didn't get into the operating room until after 12, but they made a nice day of it. Almost 8 pm and they are finally home. Thanks Corey for taking her! He said "Anything for the sake of beauty!"


  1. Hi, i have a doughter with dermoid cyct. She is just 3 and i am thinking if we remove it. I was wondering if the scar go away by the time.

  2. Our daughters scar is hardly noticeable at all, I think it helps that it was right by her eyebrow. I don't know if it's better to get it removed younger, hopefully your doctor will have advice - It seems to me though that that would be good since young kids have such new skin that heals so quickly. Good luck!
