Friday, December 6, 2019


Last year a neighbor mentioned going to Christkindlmrkt as part of their Christmas tradition. I put it on my calendar so I could go this year and check it out. It is Wed-Saturday of this week. Abi went last night with some of my family. I wanted to go, but it just didn't work out with flute lessons and dinner and stuff. But my sister Beka and her husband came and picked up Abi to go with them. My brother and his family came down from Layton so they were there too. I was glad she was able to go with them and spend some time with my family. My SIL texted me this picture of Abi and her cousins meeting the Krampus - the keeper of naughtiness
Good make up, huh! So I still wanted to go, so Corey and I went tonight as part of date night. I thought it would be good to see it and then if I wanted to I'd still have a chance to take the kids tomorrow. We left a little late, and we went to dinner at Costa Vida first, where there was a slow line. We ate, then finally got to the market at 7:30, 30 min before it was supposed to end for the day.I was worried it wasn't going to be enough time to get a feel for it, but it worked out great - there was a long line of cars going in and we were able to get a pretty close parking spot since there were plenty of people leaving too. But we still had to walk quite a bit. It was foggy and cold. I felt like a dark and dreary wilderness as we pressed forward with the throng of people in the mist of darkness. It was like Lehi's dream, only there wasn't a shining tree anywhere. Just black shadowy trees. Eventually we saw light in the little makeshift German Village. It was cute, and I'm glad we were able to go. Corey got a chocolate and whipped cream waffle something dessert that hit the spot for him, and I was able to look around. I was trying to find the glass shop where Abi bought her new prized possession last night:
It is her glass hummingbird and she LOVES it. She made it a birth certificate and gave it a name. I thought I'd get her another one for Christmas but I never saw a shop with glass stuff like this, so no luck. Instead we just walked around and saw other things. It was cute, I don't know that we'll go again. I was glad to check it out without kids. It was cold and crowded and that would have been painful to have kids with us. So I would be willing to go again for a date night, but we'll see. A few more pics - yesterday, here is Owen walking around with a heavy duty machine gun.
Aka the tablet music stand that Ethan and Wes use for the soundhouse.
He feels pretty cool with it. Unfortunately he often leaves it wherever and who knows where and E and W are sometimes unable to find it when they need it for band. I like the little kids imaginations, we just need to figure out a way to teach them to put things where they go.
And here is sweet Peter after we got home from our date tonight. He was so snuggly and curled up and cute, kinda like a newborn.
I love it. I think he's been my snugly-est baby. I love Peter

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