Sunday, December 8, 2019

Peter Can Stand

Little Peter is able to stand on his own. He first did it last night for Lily. Today after church he did it again for Ethan - I tried to hurry and capture the moment before it was over - look!!
He is so proud of himself! It's so cute how he holds his hands up high over his head, like "Look at meeeee!!!!"
During the meetings at church today he was so peaceful looking as he slept, like he was in a deep sleep, like newborns are.
He looked like he was sleeping in heavenly peace. A few cute pictures of him from the past few weeks - Being silly and making gasping sounds at me - on Nov 22
Then I'd make the sound back at him, and we'd laugh
Peter and Daniel in the tub being cute. 24 Nov
And that's all the cute baby pics for today. We love Peter

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