Monday, February 24, 2020

State of the House

Yesterday I had a really great start to the morning. I was doing dishes, and Owen (our early riser) was dressed and ready for church, and so then I started serving up his oatmeal, and as I did, Owen and Peter started emptying the silverware from the dishwasher.
IT WAS SO CUTE!!!! Look at little Peter! He is so adorable.
I took two videos. A short video -

And then a longer one - this was so funny cause Peter started to taste test the knives and other silverware (shh, don't tell Ethan! haha)

So that was a great start to the day yesterday morning. And then here is the kitchen sink that greeted me this morning.
Not as good, but hey, the counters were all cleaned and wiped off. I can handle dishes. I had woken up at a the reasonable hour of 6:00 this morning and got to work as I listened to Teaching with Power's 2 Nephi 31-33 video while I did the dishes and before I had to take carpool (I love his videos!) This pile of dishes was here because we had friends over to dinner last night. We enjoyed a nice meal and visit with Iveth and Diego who we hadn't visited with since December. They are super busy. So we had a nice chat while all the kids ran around being crazy. They made another fort in the front room. Around 10 o'clock, Peter was coughing on something and made himself threw up a little bit. It wasn't much, but it did get over him and half of my shirt, so I excused myself to go give Peter a bath and feed him and put him to bed. I assumed they would be leaving soon or atleast that they would be gone by the time I was done, so I said goodbye. I ended up falling asleep as I nursed P. I woke up around midnight to see that the hall lights were on... and I heard voiced downstairs... and they were all still downstairs talking! I didn't go down to join them, as I assumed if they were about to finish up, my joining in now would keep it going, and they needed to get home and go to bed! Corey told me this morning that they stayed so late because they were all in a deep conversation about religion and about the welfare of our eternal souls. I might touch upon it later. Anyway - lots to do today before our Brazil friend Rafael comes this afternoon. Here is the basement.... where our friend is going to be sleeping tonight....
Isn't that lovely? sigh. I tried to work on it a little bit this afternoon. The little boys joined me. Peter loves the piano, and cool,I just realized that the train table makes a perfect piano bench for him!
A wide enough base that he can't push it over, wide enough on top to allow him to reach all the keys on the keyboard, yay. Even though, Peter, I do think you are standing precariously too close to the corner...

Pretty nice dance moves they both got going on there. So, if you're wondering how it ended, Abi ended up cleaning the carpeted side of the basement and setting up the inflatable mattress for Rafael and everything, she did a great job. And the rest of the mess increased substantially, since Abi admitted she just pushed and shoved most of it over to the unfinished side. So that's a big mess, but it's all behind a curtain/hanging sheet to block the doorway. Someday I hope we finish the basement. 

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