Thursday, February 13, 2020

Valentine Notes and Walking

As usual, I didn't help the elementary kids with their valentines. But they were ready for my hands-off-ness and were ready to own it. They did great on their own working on them tonight. Abi enjoyed making personalized and hideous personalized portrait drawings in hopes of making her friends laugh - I think they will. You'll have to click and zoom in on this picture to see one example of her art. Funny.
The girls worked at the table.
Lily - using Baby Yoda, awww. "Yo-da best!"
Natalie going with a classic white heart, nice.
And Sophi checking her class list.
And in other exciting news, Peter is getting the hang of walking. He walked from couch to couch today. It's so fun to see him learning and growing.
I had to do my best on my own to have him walk across the room. We had a bouncy ball we were playing with, so I'd either pick him up and set him across the room so he'd walk back to me, or I would throw the ball over onto the couch, and then he'd crawl over, stand up to get the ball off the couch, and then walk back to me. It's fun being a mom, I love simple moments like these. 

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