Monday, March 16, 2020

Corey to Texas

Last week was crazy week with coronavirus stuff - with the flights from Europe being cancelled and school being suspended. US citizens are allowed to come back, so my brothers are cutting short their trip in Portugal and should be back this Wednesday night. So if they get back on Wednesday, we were thinking it would be good to get Abi home earlier and not have her wait until Saturday. (She's there helping to babysit Grant's kids)  Cause it's just been weird everywhere and she's just a kid and we want her back home before things get more weird - they seem to be escalating fast. We talked about Mel maybe going down to fly home with her, since she's kinda done at BYU. But Mel is wrapping up things and isn't ready to come back home quite yet. We kept thinking about what to do, and last night Corey decided to go down to Texas. He bought a one way ticket and he and Abi will figure out when to come back after they are sure that Grant and Steph are going to make it back to Texas to be with their kids.
We didn't tell Abi that Corey was coming. But we did tell Peggy (Steph's mom). They drove out to pick up Corey. Peggy said they were just practicing for when they came out to get Grant and Steph, but then Corey was there at the terminal. Corey said Abi looked like she'd seen a ghost.... This father from her imagination, her former life that seems like just a dream since she's been in Texas. But nope, Utah is real, that dream is real, and Dad is with you now and will help you come home so you don't have to fly alone as an unaccompanied minor when the world is going whacko with coronavirus. I asked Corey to take a picture of Abi when she saw him. I thought she'd squeal with delight and surprise.... But Corey said she looked shocked, like she'd seen a ghost.
Then a little bit more of a smile... She said it felt like her stomach was going to explode
Pretty fun. She was surprised and said she can't believe that dad flew down to be with her. But it's just the provider and protector in him that made him unable to rest when his joy was hundreds of miles away (the name Abigail means "Father's joy", awww) Corey and I woke up at 5:45 and were on our way at 6. Bye sweetie, see you later this week.
And since I was up and about, I thought I'd go by the SL Costco on my way home, since it opens at 7. Well, at 7 there was a line that went past the width of the building.
I stood outside waiting for 30 minutes. CRAZY
At 7:20 I was at the door. And there was a working calling out to let us know that the toilet paper was now gone. I really didn't need anything, but I was curious about what it was like inside. I got paper towels, laundry detergent, chimichangas, walnuts and raisins and maple syrup to go with the wheat berries that we will be eating for the next 3 months of the national quarantine, haha. When I left at 8, the line was still there going around the south length of the building. Fun times!
But personally, I'm super excited to have life put on pause - atleast with a lot of the things that pull my family in every different direction, like lessons and school. I plan to spend my time reading, practicing violin and making sure kids practice piano, and prepping for General Conference, blogging, and organizing and simplifying our home. This is going to be a very memorable time in our lives.

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