Wednesday, March 18, 2020


"Today" must have felt that yesterday was too exciting, so it apparently had something to prove and decided to wake us up this morning with an earthquake - 5.7 in Magna.
Corey and Abi are still in Texas and now the airport it out of power, drat. So it looks like they might not be arriving back home later tonight. Corey texted "...I guess I'll wash my clothes..." And then the people who think it's fun to make fake news got at it super quick and I've got text message and phone call rumors, supposedly from the Utah Seismology Department, warning us that an even bigger earthquake is expected within a few hours. Sigh. But we're not going to panic. We might try to run through drill of what we would do if the house was shaking with a big earthquake. Basically it's going to include "Every big kid grab a little kid and run outside!" There was another quake around 1:30 - a 4.6 magnitude.
The kids were all awake and in the house when that happened. And there was no running outside for safety. Instead they came out of their rooms giggling and laughing. I guess that is fine, but I was a little concerned that they weren't scared at all.

Just as well that we didn't run outside, cause it was pointed out to us: with Corona we're supposed to stay quarantined inside. Hmm, we are getting mixed messages.... someone needs to brush up on emergency protocols. Corey sent this picture of them in Texas - "We were playing at the park and then some guy drove up and closed it. I guess the outside is closed now too?"
Interesting times. Grant and Steph have made it back to US soil and should be arriving in Texas tonight. Corey and Abi bought tickets to come back tomorrow, arriving around 1:30 pm. Hopefully all will be in working order at the airport. Another picture from Corey. These chairs are horrible.
So I have been blogging a lot today. I did a little music, the kids did even less, and then I blogged and finished March and the kids have been playing a lot of Mario games. They did that kick the turtle shell thing on the stairs to get 99 lives for each of their four Mario Brothers players. They were pretty excited about that. Yesterday Ethan told my mom that it's summer vacation. Hopefully we'll be more productive when Corey is back to whip us into shape.

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