Saturday, March 21, 2020

"I Hate Being Bored"

It's only been one week since the kids found out school was going to be suspended for two weeks. They say that they hate this and how there is "nothing to do" but atleast, I think, they are enjoying the "not having to get up" part of this new life they are stuck living.
Hyrum's foot poking out above... Here we are, once again, past 11 o'clock in the morning. The toddlers have been up for a while.
Daniel is bright eyed and bushy tailed. Wes and Ethan are still buried under the blankets. They rearranged their room last week and traded the side that the loft bed and bunk beds were on, and they rearranged desks around.
Everyone worked hard yesterday helping me in the basement, and we made great progress. Then they cleaned the main floor, and then I let them play video games. And they played for 2 hours (Hyrum for 4). Ethan didn't play, cause he didn't want to have to work, so he just went and took a nap instead. So then he wasn't tired at bedtime, so he made his brothers stay up with him and clean their room, so that is nice. They wanted to be able to play the Wii and Xbox today, but we said no. They then proceeded to sulk for an hour.
I maybe could have been persuaded if they did more housework, but Corey said no. And then they complained and sounded like babies as they joked "Why did you marry him!?!?" "Can we get a new dad?" Ethan protested "But tomorrow's my birthday! And we can't do it tomorrow cause it's Sunday!" Corey was bugged that they keep sneaking on and wasting time on the computer when they ask for it for homework. Then they finish start playing stupid snake games or watching the Office or YouTube things of Darth Sidious. "They have all this time to learn and do, and they just waste it, pouring it down the drain!" Today Corey had it cause Wes said he wasn't doing games, which is super stupid cause Dad can see everything they are doing via Qustodio, so he got caught lying, even it if was just for a few minutes. A complaint from Hyrum this week that I thought was so typical "Come on! We're sooo bored! I think it's better to do something that is a waste of time than to do NOTHING..."
Yada yada yada...
Tomorrow we are going to watch "Out of Liberty" and ponder a bit on Joseph Smith and his friends in Liberty Jail, to try and give these little boys some perspective on what real suffering is vs. what they are going though.

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