Tuesday, March 31, 2020

More Hellos

My parents came by to say hi to Joseph today. They had a short visit in the street.
Let's see some 6 feet away air hugs!
And they brought us Costa Vida for lunch, which was so nice.
Joseph spent his time today reading and getting his email set up and stuff. Last night he joined Corey and the kids in a big Nerf Gun battle in the house. That was fun for them and they had mission impossible music playing. They turned off the lights and seemed to have fun. I had been in the laundry room with Peter (to keep him from being trampled in the dark) and Joseph came in to ask me to help him make a shield. We found some shoelaces to use to tie the box to his gun....
...and while we were doing that, the missionaries for our stake just happened to call my phone and asked to talk with Joseph. Joseph was really interested in talking with them and took his time... his everyone started calling for him and Owen came in looking for him "Come on Joseph let's go... Come on Joseph, let's go..." repeat 20x. Joseph kinda seemed to be ignoring them. He couldn't help it though, he's still in missionary mode and his heart wishes he was still out there in the mission field. Poor kid.

So, as for the rest of our kids, they've been working a little harder today. But just a little. They've been on their Chromebooks a lot and I thought they were working. Then when I went to check on the girls, turns out they were doing Prodigy the whole time, which is some math game where you can earn points and buy stuff? So that's fine, but they spent so much time just doing that, that they didn't do all the rest of their homework, so I'm going to need to monitor things better. I need something to go up on the wall again, like the kids chores poster board that we used to have. The Chromebooks are getting so much attention, that even Peter has learned what is supposed to be done with them. He saw one open and went to work and hurriedly pushed buttons with his little hands. It was cute.
I got on the girls and made sure they all practiced. It's a lot of work trying to get these kids to get their work done. And they are pretty reluctant participants, which makes it harder. sigh. Here is Natalie "practicing" her violin tonight.
I don't know Natalie, it looks like you could be putting forth a little more effort?
"Ugh! I don't feel like standing up..." Laaazy. It's okay, I can do this. This is an easy challenge. Chin up, and press forward.

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