Sunday, March 8, 2020

Abi to Texas

Today we let our body clocks get hit with two real whammies: 1) the switch to daylight saving time and 2) taking Abi to the airport for a flight to Texas. Her flight left at 6:30, so we got up for her to go at 4:30, which was feeling like 3:30 with the time change. Yet Abi is looking pretty fresh and awake, and ready for her first time flying alone!
Corey was nice and took her, he got permission to walk her to the gate.
I went back to bed and Corey took a nap after he got home. I think loosing and hour and then getting up early will help our adjustment. We are going to go to bed early and then I think we'll be good! My little brother texted me a picture of him with Abi, so she arrived safely, yay
Abi is going down there to help babysit his kids. My brothers both served their church missions in Lisbon, Portugal, so they have planned a trip with their wives to go visit Portugal. They leave on Wednesday. Abi is going to help my sister-in-law's mother, Peggy, to watch Grant and Steph's four boys. Abi will be there for two weeks. She's been looking forward to going since they asked her at the beginning of February. Should be fun! She's just 12 but she's a young lady and a great helper to us, we're glad to share her and know that she will be a great help to Peggy.

Church was great, I helped Corey in his primary class. Primary goes by super quick with it just being two hours. Peter fell asleep on Wesley today after church.
"Mom, can you move him? He's comforable, but I'm not...." In other gospel news, Ethan finished mission papers! He had his interviews today with the bishop and Stake President. He would have had the interview last week but our bishop had to leave town right after church. Today he wasn't at church, he had an injured shoulder, so Ethan thought he would have to wait another week to submit his papers. I told him to just ask the bishop if he could come by his house, and he did, and that worked. Ethan was able to be interviewed after he brought the bishop home sacrament. So that was great, and then he had his interview with President England at 4, and now he's done! He should have his call next week on Tuesday, we're pretty sure. Exciting times.

We watched a documentary on Martin Luther today, good stuff. I'm grateful for all those who sacrificed so much, many losing their lives, during the dark ages and the reformation, as they sought for God's truth. It was a preparatory step to the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are looking forward to General Conference next month!

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