Friday, March 6, 2020

There's a Run on Toilet Paper

Today we went down to Provo for date night to see Mel perform with her wind ensemble. We took Peter with us, because it was going to be a long date with the drive down there and back. We figured Peter wouldn't be allowed into the music hall, and he wasn't, so we took turns with him out in the lobby. Corey saw the first half, and then I went in after intermission. Mel did a good job. Corey apologized to Mel that we weren't going to take her out to eat, but the concert didn't finish until after 9pm and I don't eat that late. (I try to be done eating at 7pm) So instead of going to a restaurant, we gave her a hug and said goodbye. Corey said "We can't take you out to eat every time..."

So I don't watch the news or listen to talk radio or check news websites. I used to do all those things, but I don't any more. There are just other things I want to spend my time doing, like blogging, reading, or playing violin. Let me see... I officially decided to tune out of news after Obama won, and then really gave up after Trump won. There's nothing I can do about the government of our nation except pray, and I'm not interested in any of the typical negative news stuff, so I just don't bother. Corey is my main source of current events, other than a few things I see on facebook now and then or in the family group text. So I was not ready for Costco today. I went to Costco because we were low on Toilet paper.
I very rarely let it get this low, but I haven't done the Costco runs the past few weeks cause Corey likes to go. So I was like "I'm going today - I need toilet paper" and I go, and I walk to where it always is, and it wasn't there. I thought that was curious. Did they move it? I walked up and down the isles close to it, and nope. Ok, so I thought maybe they moved it, so I continue shopping. It wasn't over by the water either. Hmm. I kept shopping and kept an eye out for a Costco employee and eventually over in the freezer isles I find a worker to ask. He said it was out - "It is taken as soon as they open it." I honestly was confused. But I thought for a second, then asked "...cause of the coronavirus?" And it was! Weird! And at check out I notice that EVERYONE is buying bottled water. ...and I was starting to wonder, do I need water? Does everyone else know something I don't? Should I not have brought my little kids into the store? What is going on people? I text Corey - I scolded him for not letting me know about this, that is if he was aware. "Yeah, Corona is causing a toilet paper shortage all over the place" "When were you aware of this?" He should have briefed me on this state of the nation, cause now we might be facing a tp drought at our home. "Chad who I worked - tried to buy some at Sams Club and another guy from Australia said back home all the toilet paper is gone". So that was weird. What are we supposed to do? We legitimately need toilet paper now in a few days, not just for our emergency prep! Where can I find some?

On my way to the store, a neighbor and Abi's piano teacher, wanted to talk about what Abi wants to do about piano, so I called her, but then her phone died, so I said I'd call after I finished at Costco, and so the first thing I say to her on my drive home was "Is there a run on toilet paper? Is it just at Costco? or is it everywhere? I haven't been shopping for a few weeks...." And we were laughing a little bit about it and she saved the day and saved me from having to try to find tp in the stores, cause she had some, so I picked it up from her on my way home and yay, we might get through another week! Listen, all you panicked toilet paper people out there, we've got 12 bathroom go-ers here at our house, we need toilet paper. If you've got some stockpiled, just don't. We do have a lot of wipes I guess. We'll just have to use them sparingly.

I did go by Walgreens later after the kids were home to see if they had toilet paper, and they did, so I got some from there. But that Costco run was a weird experience. Perhaps I shall need to watch the news and be aware more? Is everyone panicking for no reason? Or is there a real tp threat about to seize the nation? I guess we'll find out this next month if the panic increases or if all this calms down. But it was interesting.

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