Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Family Pictures Prep

We are getting family pictures taken tomorrow. Yesterday was step 1 of deciding a color scheme and then gathering what we have on hand. After a google search, the kids and I thought this looked good:
I went through closets and wardrobes yesterday gathering what we currently had on hand, and then I set an alarm to remind myself to go to Kid to Kid today before it closes, since it is open right now but with shorter hours, just 11- 3. So today my priority was getting clothes ready. I went to Kid to Kid and got some things and accessories and now I think we have everything gathered. Next step is to make final decisions about what to wear. Some of us have a lot of options, some have one choice, so I have to see it all before me to weigh and balance what we need more of and what we need less of. Right now we have several groups: there are kids and adults have tried their clothes on and know for sure what they want to wear (MES), a few are having the decision be made for them (CODP) few still want/need another option (HWA), and L is good with whatever. I am in the group that hasn't started seriously looking for themselves yet (TJ)
I'm hoping we have something for Joseph. We'll be switching things around last minute when we all make our final choices of apparel. I've had clothes all over the floor of our bedroom for the past two days and I'm sure it will remain there through most all of tomorrow. We are scheduled to start at 6pm. Owen says he found the shoes he wants to wear.

No Owen, you are not allowed to wear those ski boots, nor are you allowed to have the final say in your attire tomorrow.

A few other pictures from today - lovely spring blossoms from my morning walk.
I spent a little time outside watering the lawn. We are waiting for the sprinkler irrigation water to be hooked up, but the grass is looking dry, so I did hand watering and it looks happier now. Peter joined me outside. He loves playing with balls. 
And I think he is the cutest thing ever. 
His siblings make a little tent for him inside.
Things are going good, we're busy and enjoying quarantine. Joseph will be leaving on Monday to go to Lancaster California to sell pest control. Ethan might be able to go with him, which we think would be great mission prep for him. Mel finished her mission papers today and so they're in and she should be receiving her assignment within the next two weeks! Exciting times

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