Saturday, April 4, 2020

General Conference & Prep

Today is General Conference! We got the house all spruced up yesterday and last night since I knew we likely wouldn't be doing a lot of chores today. And we stocked up on food last night at Costco so that we have plenty to feed the masses after they've dutifully listened to instruction from the prophet and apostles. Conference was great. I hope to slowly work through the talks again after they're posted online and then I might share my a few thoughts and favorite parts on my "spiritual" blog. One thing I will share is that when President Nelson said last October that April conference would be memorable and unforgettable, I thought that it was a bit of a bold statement and wasn't sure how they'd deliver on that. Yet here with are, with Covid-19 making everyone stay home and cause such alterations to how Conference is usually seen and broadcast. Corey and gotten Mel and Ethan tickets to watch one of the sessions at the Conference center, thinking it would help them get pumped up for their missions. But, instead, we're all home and the pandemic has brought Joseph home from his mission early! These circumstances have already made it memorable and unforgettable for me. I hope, more importantly, that the messages given will also go deep into my heart and help me change into a more Christ-like person.

So, it's been a good week overall with most of the kids making some effort at working hard with homework, music, reading, and chores. We have a big list of it in the kitchen window on a white board, lest any of us forget the tasks that should be completed. I take a picture of it every night so I can reference it on the weekend to see who has earned video games. Here's Thursdays....
And the end of Friday...
Ethan did great yesterday, and he also made some extra categories, like "wake up" and "shower" - perhaps trying to make up for blowing it all off the first 4 days. He earned an hour of video games for his work today. Hyrum and Wes cashed in with a several hours on the Xbox and wii. We let them play last night since today was going to be full of listening to conference. Joseph and Mel have been working, but they're also free from our management, but we put them up there anyway to make it "fair". Joseph doesn't care about video games or watching movies, but he's gearing up to try and force himself to sit through a movie before his self isolation ends. We have not been keeping 6 feet apart around here. Thankfully no one has been sick at all, no fevers or coughs or anything, so we are grateful for that. Joseph would like us to read scriptures earlier so he can wake up earlier and still keep his missionary schedule. We are trying, but it's hard to get everyone done and in bed by 10:30. So we're usually up until midnight. I was glad to see Joseph taking a nap yesterday.
He needs a nap and it's okay to take naps when you're not a missionary. So he's slowly accepting his new lot in life.
For date night last night we did a Costco run again. As we left, the kids watching "Onward". The little boys love Wesley. He usually does most of the babysitting since they want him the most (Thanks Wes!!!)
Corey and I went to the big business Costco downtown so we could get ricemilk. They are the only one that has it, although sometimes it's not in stock, but we crossed our fingers and they had it so we stocked up on that. I loaded up on clementines, hummus, got stuff for a good veggie plate that we had out during General Conference today, we got bread, rice and beans and lots of ricemilk. Corey got his kid bribes of nutella and juice. We got flashlights, batteries, and some books for us to read (Corey: "Russians among us" and I got one of those nicely bound collection books of the US Constitution and other Patriotic Documents that I wanted to have for reference.) We got stuff for a nice big lunch and dinner today. And we spent a freaking ton of money (over $1200). We entered with two carts and left with 2 carts and a flat bed.  After that I lost my appetite so we didn't grab takeout on the way home. (But I had gotten a think of sushi so we ate that for our date night meal.) Corey apologized (he thinks he has a Costco hoarding complex) but tried to console me by saying we should stock up while we still have money, since the economy is tanking and since he only has a consultant job and is expendable. So I tried to not feel too sick in the stomach about it, but I kinda couldn't help it. It's okay though, everything is gonna be okay. After we got home last night it was the usual, and I got this video of Corey doing the "fast flip" with Peter. Corey has done this with all the babies since Joseph.
It seems like it would be so easy for them to slip out of his grip, and I can't believe he has never dropped them, but I guess Corey's arms are long enough to do it. It's pretty funny and the kids all love it. Funny. So again, General Conference was great today, we're looking forward to more tomorrow, especially the Hosanna shout on Palm Sunday! How wonderful that will be to do that with members all over the world!!!

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