Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday Evening at Waterford

Some of the kids and Corey and I went to Waterford last night - It was pretty with the crescent moon - group photo!
We went out there again tonight after enjoying a lovely Sunday at home. My favorite part of our gospel study today was sharing some videos with the kids. We listened to the first 5 minutes of this Book of Mormon Central video. After that they were free to leave but I kept listening as I cleaned in the kitchen and I loved the end - how they explained how Christ is our Father, love it. And then we listened to more with the Teaching with Power video. Good stuff, it fills my cup.
This evening we went to Waterford for some outdoor family time. We left early enough that we could play before the sunset. I brought along Saints to read, but didn't get very much further, I was distracted by the fun.
We had kids rolling down the hill, fighting with sabers, kicking balls, and throwing frisbees. The hill was pretty steep for little Peter, good practice though.
Owen with a laser gun, Joseph reading.
Peter playing peek a boo with Wesley
We see you Peter!
Such a beautiful little boy.
More hill racing games

 Ethan was playing a bit rough and the toddlers came crying a few times...
But Daniel got some accidental light saber revenge.

Go easy on them Eth! They are just little people!
Sun going down...
Corey was attempting to climb a tree. Seems like such a simple thing to do. Joseph climbed up quick like a monkey. Corey said "This is how 40 year olds get hurt...."
He broke his belt when he tried to use it to pull himself up. Sun has set but the sky is still light - it's a good time for more sunset silhouette shots... Trying to gather the kids. Venus looks pretty and the waxing crescent moon!
Got all 12!
Strike a pose -
Oops Daniel got away...
Wes and Ethan in an epic battle.
The kids did some jump shots and cartwheel photos, but my phone camera is just blurry if there is motion. I also told the kids to take one of Corey and I kissing but that one didn't turn out great either...but it did lead into the topic of discussino for the night - we all sat on the hill and Corey told them how much fun it has been to have everyone home. We have one more week with Joseph before he heads out to California to sell pest control. Corey told stories of our courtship and first kiss, and of the blessings of marriage and family. It was great. These two weren't listening -
They were being super cute rolling down the hill.
It was a nice family evening.
Back at home for a few board games before bed...
Mel had made all the murder weapons to Clue since we lost them, and the kids played that.
Doesn't seem like a very appropriate Sunday game - with murder and plotting. I made a candy version of Clue several years ago, with all the Wride grandkids as the suspects, and they were accused of taking various desserts before they ate their dinner and they snuck and ate the treat in a room of the house, and I made a board of Corey's parent's house. I used some gummy erasers for the game pieces and made a few others with sculpy clay. I thought it was fun. Mel did a good job creating the weapons and people for this game. I'm glad the kids were able to play it not since the pieces have been missing for a long time - probably all lost in the lego mess. And I got to blog a little, yay, it was a good day.

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