Thursday, May 28, 2020

Peter Eats

It has been a good week. Today I am proud to say that I am 5 for 5 with having a sit down meal ready when Corey gets home!
And each meal has had a lot of food, so there is plenty for everyone and lots of healthy options. I am very proud of myself. Tonight we had vegan burgers. IP tore off little pieces of the Beyond Burger for Peter to eat. And some of the potato salad.
He was so cute as he tried to pick up the food with the wrong side of his fork...
Look at the concentration in that little double chin....

We got him a little booster chair recently so that he can sit on his own, cause it was not fun to eat having him on my lap.
Now he has his own seat and it's much better.
I think he just wants to be independent and treated like the rest of the kids!

Here he is eating potatoes and ham yesterday.

I think I could make a live feed daily vlog of him eating and people could enjoy his cuteness.
I know I'd tune in. He's such a cute little guy! Corey mentions in that first video above that Daniel hurt his teeth. Yesterday he was playing at a friends house and fell out of a wagon or toy car face first into the ground. He didn't cut his lip but did loosen his tooth and was bleeding. Luckily the mom there is a pediatric dentist and was able to assess him. She said it might turn dark but that doesn't mean the tooth is dead, it's just how it heals. But if it turns yellow after that, then that's a problem and means there is an infection, so we're going to watch him for a few days. He was able to eat spaghetti last night and had soft french toast today. We're showing him how to chew in the back and not use his front teeth. He will be okay.

Now with school officially over, we are enjoying summer by having late mornings.
No zooms to wake up for. I have a little more time to try and quietly sneak away from Peter.
Uh oh, he's awake!
Corey and I have been doing good at getting up and reading our scriptures. Then he gets in his workout as he bikes to work, and I do a 7 min workout or two. The kids are pretty quiet and busy all day working in the basement, in their happy place: Legos. They are in the summer lego zone once again. The quarantine has gotten their "I'm bored" warm up out of the way, and the lego creativity is already ready to kick in, and we're not even in July yet! All the legos that I tried to organize or atleast put away are back in the house and all over the floor. Abi is creating a beach town, Lily is once again working on making all the Elf dragons, and the boys are making spaceships and cool looking minifigures. I'm trying to sort a little. When we put up the bunk beds, we really just shoved a lot into boxes to get it out of the way, and all those boxes were put it in the basement. I am trying to do a little bit each day. Sometimes Peter won't let me. We were able to get him distracted on Tues by pulling him around in the EZ roller. I loved how he gripped onto the bar with his toes.
Cute little guy.

We are grateful for carefree summer days.

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