Thursday, June 25, 2020

Wesley is 15!

Another quarantine birthday! Happy birthday Wes! "This guy is FIFTEEN YEARS OLD! Do you know how wise and experienced he is?!?!?"
I got up early to decorate but it was already done. Wes woke up early too. Owen was awake cause he's our other early riser. I'm not sure what got Sophi out of bed, but she and O joined Wes and I as we sang happy birthday and let him open his two presents: headphones from me and a boomerang and metal earth ship from Sophi (Corey). Everyone else was still asleep, until we started to sing Happy Birthday and broke out the donuts, safe from Corona style, aka still wrapped. Blow out the lighter and make a wish!
Working on Blackbeard's ship. I like the Metal Earth things, they're pretty cool. Wes worked on it for about 3 hours. He's already making a list of the next models he wants - on the list is the Salt Lake Temple. The Metal Earth doesn't have a Mayflower ship, maybe I'll get a model kit for him (or for myself, here's another choice). I like models that have some significance, and a Mayflower one would because of the pilgrims (have you read the Pilgrim Hypothesis yet? Go get it)
Corey's parent's came over for a birthday visit outside.
Wes is always asking for Febreeze for his skates and I never remember to get it on my grocery errands. Well Happy Birthday Wes, Grandma came through for you! And deodorant and some shirts too.
My mom brought over his card and gift earlier around noon, and a mint chocolate cake. We saved that cake until dinner so that Corey could have some (we didn't save any of Lily's cakes for him). (Not sure he cared. He didn't have any of Wesley's tonight)... After dinner Wes had a hockey game, cause Thursday night is street hockey night! He tried inviting friends, but only one ended up being able to come, and Corey nailed her in the face with the ball and that is when the game ended I think. They came back home and Corey took the car to go buy ice cream for Anna. So that was fun. Iveth and Diego's kids came to play hockey last week and again this week. Afterwards the kids were all here playing and had ice cream and cake with us. Make another corona birthday wish, Wes!
Diego came to pick up his kids and he and Corey talked for over 90 minutes about religion and what's the latest, from their point of view, with Catholocism. I'm going to go on a little tangent here.... so their priest who we met a few weeks ago, Father David from Las Vegas, is moving up here this weekend. Corey has been very nice trying to help them find a place for him to live and a place for them all to hold mass. We come from a church with a lay ministry, so this all seems a bit over the top from what we are used to doing in our ward, but it's been a good and interesting experience. Corey arranged (and paid) for him to stay in Park City at the Wyndham for a week while they try to help him find a place. We have a lot of questions about Catholicism and we've done a lot of research ourselves. ...and it would be great if they had some for us about the Church of Jesus Christ, but if they don't, that's ok. We'll continue to set forth good example (like we've been learning about this week with Ammon!) and will wait upon the Lord to do his work. We've known them for over a year and I was a little frustrated a few months ago when they seemed to be avoiding us (after we invited them to Sophi's baptism there were a few weird exchanged over text with Iveth and then basically ghosted us. They were always too busy to do anything, so we were like ok, whatever) ...sorry, where was I... So I was frustrated and thinking "They could know the truth if they'd just read the Book of Mormon!!!" but they won't read it and I was talking to Nicole about it and she said something that has since guided my thinking... "They aren't interested 'cause they aren't looking for the truth." Hmm, well when I think of it that way, my frustration leaves. When they are looking for the truth, we'll be ready. And also, if I really believe that Christ is doing his own work, then I don't need to force anything on anyone. He is doing the work. D&C 101:16 - "Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God."

We can and should continue to be ready to share a reason for the hope that is in us (Peter 3:15). We've taken them to temple square twice, they've come to church once, we've all gone to modern mass with them and Corey and MEW went to Latin mass (that is a funny story), we've shared lots of stories of the miracles of America and of the pioneers. They know a lot of the wonderful members of the ward in our neighborhood, they've gone to see the Tabernacle Choir with Corey, a BYU ballroom perforamance with us, etc etc and as far as we can tell: not interested.... no questions. As far as we know, they believe the Catholic doctrine that our whole family will be in purgatory cause the Catholic church doesn't recognize LDS baptism. But they don't even think the pope is legitimate right now - so then where is their authority via Saint Peter if they don't recognize the pope and his authority!? There's a lot of drama, and Corey knows most of it and I'm busy with kids but catch a little here and there, so it's interesting to watch and be a part of a little bit. Corey and I aren't into any tv dramas, we like "real life" dramas, ha. So yeah, we'll see where it leads. They do say we'd be great Catholics though, and that we are better Catholics than they are (that's probably just cause of the 12 kids thing).

One more story of people looking for truth - so we've taken them to so many thing and exposed them to a lot of the fruit of the gospel, but there's no interest. Compare that to the Banza family in Elder Renlund's October 2019 General Conference talk - all Brother Banza had to do was SEE THE NAME of the church on a chapel as he passed by it on the bus, and that was enough to start his faith conversion! Just seeing the name! it made him curious: "Does Jesus Christ have Saints now, in the latter days?" He decided to go and see.

"Brother and Sister Banza were greeted warmly at the branch. They asked some of the persistent questions they had about the nature of God, such as, “If God is a spirit, like the wind, how could we be created in His likeness? How could He sit on a throne?” They had never received a satisfactory answer until the missionaries explained restored doctrine in a brief lesson. When the missionaries left, the Banzas looked at each other and said, “Isn’t this the truth that we have heard?” They continued coming to church and meeting with the missionaries. They knew that baptism in the restored Church of Jesus Christ would have consequences. They would be stripped of their scholarships, their visas would be revoked, and they and their two young children would be required to leave Switzerland. They chose to be baptized and confirmed in October 1979."

People that are looking for the truth will receive answers to their prayers that will be lead step by step to Christ and His restored church.  I love Jesus Christ and want try to serve him with all my heart. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ is His church on the earth to help us prepare for His second coming. I know President Nelson is a prophet of God, I came to know that after reading the book Insights about his life. Joseph Smith was a true prophet. The Book of Mormon is the fruit that we can take, read, and test to know for ourselves if these things are true. Ok, that's my religion tangent for the day.

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