Thursday, July 16, 2020

Cavities Fixed

Today Owen finally got his cavities fixed. He had six teeth with cavities and was also going to get sealants on his molars. It was going to be a two hour appointment cause he was going to have to be sedated, so that took the first hour to do. He took a drink of something and then we waited in a room. He drank it right away and very obediently and then layed down and watched Sing. Near the end of the hour, he was still alert and starting to fidget, wondering what we were doing just sitting in that room.
Finally the dentist came and got him. He did so good. They were working on him for quite a while.
He actually ended up needing 8 cavities fixed and it turned into an almost 3 hour appointment, but Owen was a perfect patient. Time to go home, poor Owen has a numb face, can you tell? Poor kid can't smile.
I think he fought to stay awake during the appointment, even though he was woozy. He crashed hard later at home and slept for a few hours.
I'm taking LSND to the dentist next Tuesday, I hope they don't each have 8 cavities, or we'll be in trouble. Daniel was awake early this morning and was really sad that I wouldn't let him come with us to the dentist. I promised him he'll go soon and can get a "red guy toothbrush" like Owen had (sith troopers). Daniel woke up so early that he already had fallen asleep for his nap when I got back with Owen.
So we bought pest control yesterday, Moxie came today, I hope it helps our Elm seed bug problem. In other news, all the kids are feeling better, so since were hopefully not contagious, Ethan got the okay to go to his grandparents house for his online MTC. He's been a missionary for one day and already having his first transfer! Only like 23 more transfers to go.
I'm glad to have a computer back again, kinda. I still have to share with Hyurm and Wes, who are doing some BYU summer classes to help improve their gpas. What else did we do today - Abi did a littel bit of flute, I helped Sophi and Natalie practice violin, Lily and Wes didn't practice. After Corey got home, we had a chick pea "tuna" ish salad sandwiches for dinner, and then the kids played frisbee fly's up outside with Corey while I worked turning our weeds back into dirt.

For scriptures, we read some of Alma 34 for the Come Follow Me lesson this week. "Do not procrastinate the day of your repentance..." We likened it unto them by talking about what God expects of us, and what we as their parents expect of them and how we need to stop procrastinating. Corey shared this Ted talk which I thought was really funny and spot on.
We need to find an appropriate Panic Monster to scare the monkey's away and to help the kids get the monkeys off the wheel. Owen's big cavity was an appropriate panic monster for me to schedule the dentist appointments. I guess we all need help getting rid of our monkeys!

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