Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Hand Art and Skydiving

Yesterday and today I worked a little more on the hand art painting. I started this project up in Park City. I've just been staring at it and thinking most of the day, but then I bit the bullet and did add little bit of color in the background. Originally I was kinda thinking geometric shapes like the in the two pictures of this new Era article. Or I also looked at maybe trying paint splatters, but right now it's just light pastel colors. 
Then I also boldned up the hands in spots where it wasn't very pronounced. It might still need something, but I don't know if I dare do more. I framed it today and I'll probably stare at it for a few days and see what I think. 
Here's a picture of cute Peter sleeping yesterday morning. 
He looked like he was deep in the sleep zone. I should have done one of those baby dreamscapes and had him flying with a hand full of balloons or something. "Up up and away!" Fly baby
School would have been starting yesterday for the elementary kids, but they pushed it back a week so teachers can prep for how they will be teaching online and in person, cause everyone has the option to do either one. The girls have enjoyed having one more week of lego time. They've been making a house for their family of 14 - 
It was like FHE night or something, cause the girls were making ice cream sandwhiches for their minifigures. I thought these were simple yet brilliant.
Owen and Peter playing peek a boo under the kitchen table - 
They played this for a few minutes and it was cute to hear them giggle when they'd catch each other's eyes. 
Other than that, yesterday I listened to Talking Scripture podcast for Alma 53-63 from the Come Follow Me lesson for last week. So good! We've got a warrior heading out from our family soon. His mind is firm, he's doing so great. 

Joseph is coming home tomorrow morning. Today for his last day in California, he and his pest control friends went skydiving! Joseph sent us this video, pretty cool!

The kids love watching that tonight, and then we watched a few other videos of skydivers, then base jumping people, finally of guys in wingsuits and it looks so fun, Wesley has a new dream to do that. We told the kids if they get 4.0s, then we'll take them to the indoor skydiving place here in Utah. Life is good, we're enjoying this last week of summer, the kids are really excited to go back to school.

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