Monday, September 14, 2020

A Good Day!

Tonight after dinner, Natalie needed some help with her math. Lily jumped up and said "I'll help her!" and she did and it was so sweet. A little bit later, there were little kids all over the floor in Hyrum and Wesley's room reading. 

Natalie had read a book to Owen, and then they were all reading on their own. I love their little kicked up feet - 

Peter flipping through a book, awww... 

I love his little feet!!!

As Lily came up to bed tonight, she looked at me with a smile and said "Wow, today was a really good day!" Natalie also came up to me after reading to Owen, and said the same thing "Today was a good day!" And it really was a very nice day. The house is pretty clean, the kids have been working hard and practiced and were being very nice to each other. We were all feeling happy and weren't quite sure why. I said maybe it was because they had cleaned their room all the way over the weekend, so it was a nice clutter free and stress free area, and it spilled over into other areas of the house. We finished getting all of Abi's stuff moved out. We moved the black desk into Abi's room and the white ikea shelves into the girls room. I had all the girls stay and help with the process and we organized all their clothes that have been a mess for forever. We took out a lot to donate and sorted things to save. This morning when they woke up for school, they kept it clean and put things away! So maybe that started the day off on the right foot, but I also pointed out how much they had helped each other today... "That was so nice of you to help Natalie with her math!" and to Natalie "You were so sweet to read with Owen!" Serving each other is a great way to feel good and help others feel good too. There was a lovely spirit in our home. The little boys played nicely on the trampoline today. 

Sometimes I get a little nervous for Peter, cause O and D are not very careful, but Peter holds his own. 
We had violin today and Owen was a little sad to come with us, cause that meant he didn't get to ride the bus, which was cute. The things that are important to a 5 year old. He played train though and twas happy there. At home for dinner, then I gave them all a bath, we cleaned up the kitchen, they were all reading books, Corey came home late and was impressed with how well things had gone at home. I was impressed too. I hope to have a repeat!

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