Saturday, September 19, 2020

Daniel is 4!

Happy Birthday Daniel! 
Look at me, I put up decorations, yay. Just the birthday banner. Now that this big table is in the way, I've been struggling to get the window birthday announcement letters up. Maybe it's time to move on from that. But Natalie helped me put up the banner. And I got his presents out (Captain American and Lego Dinosaur) and Daniel is easy to please, for which I'm grateful.
His older sisters were way too eager to help him open his legos, and I had to mediate in a few fights between them and Owen. Ok, Owen gets to do the dragon, Natalie you do the house.
As they built the legos, Wesley turned on a few happy birthday songs, and when they said "Happy Birthday Daniel" Natalie stopped and looked up in amazement!
Wesley told Natalie "Yeah, I have friends in a few bands, and I asked them if they could sing happy birthday to my little brother, just cause I'm that great of a brother..." Then he confessed to me that it was just a spotify search of "Happy Birthday Daniel" and tada, we had personalized birthday music for an hour. Corey's parents came by first, I didn't make it outside cause I was preparing lunch, We had burgers for lunch. So, I was in the kitchen making food as Corey walked outside to see his parents when they came over. This was the table of food I was preparing... Burgers, Salad, chips, and peaches....
But as Corey walked by, his sight flew over all the food and mess on the table and he saw the three black bean burgers. 
He asked "Do you have more to eat than just that?" as he nodded toward the bean patties by the stove. I was holding some Beyond Burgers in my hand that I was about to grill and I think I stared at him without answering his question, and I think I gave him a "Are you blind??" look, and I apologized afterwards. But I was amazed at his selective eyesight. He really zeroed in on those black bean burgers. It was like when we are preparing dinner and there's food all over the kitchen and the kids ask if we are going to eat anything. Funny, and again, sorry for the death glare sweetie. I usually don't cook up black bean burgers, but I do have them. Usually I prefer the veggie burgers, but I did the black bean ones tonight cause last night for date night, we went to Stratford Proper Cafe & Bistro, where I enjoyed a black bean burger that had kimchi and an egg on it and it was so tasty! So I was in the mood to do a repeat of that and had to drive to Walmart after there was no kimchi at Smiths. I didn't get around to making me one because I ate the kids leftover burgers instead (after I added a bit of kimchi!) I finished making lunch and the kids came in to finish unboxing Daniel's presents.
Then my mom came by with gifts for Daniel.
He was very sweet and very appreciative. 
Time for lunch. I took a picture of Peter during the prayer. Not very reverent of me, I know, but it's just so cute, we gotta get his little folded arms and bowed head on camera. 
Peter loves peaches! Sometimes he'll spit out the skin though. 
He's so cute. Corey took all the kids out to Leatherby's in Draper for ice cream to celebrate the September birthdays. 
Lily, Sophi, and Natalie trying to get cars to honk.
Daniel in his new Spiderman pjs. 
Cute kids.

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