Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Food, Cleaning, Drawing

I haven't been doing great at sit down meals, so when I do do it, I often record it, that I might give my children the impression that it happened a lot. Maybe it does. Maybe I could do better. I delivered tonight though, so yay for me. Breakfast for dinner - eggs, hashbrowns, grilled peppers and onions, grapefruit, and dried figs. Peter's ready to dig in...

He decided he didn't care about waiting for Corey to get home from work. That's rude Peter! 

I also made a nice Brazilian tomato and onion "molho a campanha". A lovely neighbor gave us a bunch of her garden vegetables - squash, beets, and roma tomatoes, so I had to put the tomatoes to work! I've also been on a real beet kick lately, I'm not sure why. I hated them as a kid, and then I think it was sometime in the past year or two, Corey mentioned that he loves beets, so then I started to try them, and now I think that they are fine! Plus it's kinda fun to eat cause they are so colorful. On our date night Friday we went to a little street cafe in Sugarhouse and we had pickled eggs, cauliflower, cucumebers, and carrots, and they were all purple cause they had been pickled with some beet juice. I also cracked open an "Oh She Glows" that I bought per my SIL's recommendation (SIL Steph, she's vegan like me, thanks to reading a Word of Wisdom book I gifted them when they moved to Texas in 2017, I was very happy to have a fellow family member get on board with me with Veganism, and they put our family to shame now). I bought the Oh She Glows cookbook a year ago on Sep 7, 2019 (The historian in me likes that Amazon keeps track of stats like that and points it out to me when I look at items I've ordered before, nice) They have a beet and balsamic vinegar salad that I've made with arugula - simple, tasty, and pretty. I threw some beets my easy potato curry leftovers from dinner last night, good stuff. 

I had that nice healthy lunch today as I took a break from cleaning. I cleaned a TON today as I listened to General Conference. I talked to Nicole on Monday and she said that she's reviewing all the April 2020 talks this week to prep for General Conference on Saturday, so I thought that was a good idea and that I should do it too. I got a little behind, so today I just listened and cleaned all day, and I got through Saturday morning and afternoon, and I plan to finish the Saturday evening session on a morning walk tomorrow. My hands are chapped now from all the washing I did, but it's good, the house is very clean and I rearranged the side room, thinking that I'd let Peter drive the wiggle car around the house. Cause he's not that good yet and it would be cute to see him practice and give him a track for when it's too cold outside. But then Daniel was driving it around, and that was when I remembered the wiggle cars are very noisy. So then I put the car outside and am reconsidering Peter having a track on the main floor. I guess I'll need to clean the basement, which is a disaster area again. It's fun to have the side room rearranged though, it's fun to rearrange every now and then. Maybe I'll switch the side room couch every General Conference week or seasonal equinox.

Daniel was really cute drawing today. He was "coloring" with a gray pencil in his Cars coloring book. He was so intent and careful with his work, it was really sweet to watch. 
He drew as we read scriptures and continued as kids brushed teeth. 
Such a good drawing, Daniel

He is a sweet little boy.

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