Saturday, September 26, 2020

Silver Lake

Corey got a little more work done on his car this morning - he got a hitch put on. Corey's got big plans and he's putting them in motion. Last night we started watching Walter Mitty after date night. We turned it off before it finished, and so Corey put it on again this morning hoping it would inspire the kids to be up and doing. He has booked for us to go to Lake Tahoe next summer right after July 4th, cause we have another high school senior and another "last" summer to make memories with our kids. So those things are in the works. Corey wants to go biking, hiking, and skiing! We might go out to the Redwood Forest first for a few days, and see whatever, and then it will be 3 or 4 days in Tahoe and then home. So that's the plan for next summer. Should be fun. Today it was work work work. Homework, practicing music, unfortunately not that much cleaning. Corey got his car hitched up and then was home at 12 for lunch. At 1:30 Corey took Wes with him and they went into the salt mine to get stuff done. Wes... that kid has a bunch of lousy grades again, we don't know what to do to help him. They don't even have to go to school on Fridays right now, so it's not like he doesn't have time... I don't know why he still has a ton of missing assignments. We probably need to take his phone? Or keep kids away from him, he gets distracted super easy. After Corey and Wes got back from the Salt Mine, we had a quick dinner of soup for those who were hungry (soup is not Corey's favorite) and then we went on a hike up to Silver Lake. Wesley stayed home to rest, his stomach was hurting.

The sun had just set and it was getting dark quickly, but we had time to make it around the lake. It was colder than I thought, I should have told the kids to bring jackets. The older kids did and they were nice enough to share with their younger siblings. Owen wearing Abi's jacket, Daniel in Lily's. I didn't have a jacket so I just hugged Peter tight to keep him warm. We saw three moose! (Meese? Moosen? lol)

Watching a duck swim across the water - 

Hyrum giving Daniel a ride as we walked through the dark tree forest.

Kid group shot

It was really dark when we got back to the car. Dark and cold. Corey said "Let's go home and make scones!" So we did. After we got home, while they were cooking, around 8:50, Mel left a message with me and asked if I could come pick her up from Layton - she had gotten together with the missionaries in her district at one of their houses. It is an hour drive, so I was glad that I saw the note, I had to leave right away. I did, I enjoyed quite time in the car, I listened to Come Follow Me on youtbue. I got there in time, and once I arrived at the address, as I was about to text her that I was "here" she sent me a text saying "Actually come to this address" in Kaysville, so I had to back track 20 minutes which was annoying. I was a little irritated that she didn't think to tell me the different address at the moment that she was leaving and knew she was going to be somewhere else. NOT a big deal, but the murmur-er in me sure thought it was. "...disrespectful!.... Inconsiderate!..." I totally would have gotten lost without google maps. How did we even drive anywhere before google maps? I had to stop and get gas and got myself two ice cream popsicles to pretend that that would help me feel better. Now it's late, we're home, it's all good. It was nice family day. Lots to go, but I'm grateful for a "day of rest" tomorrow.

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