Saturday, October 3, 2020

Joseph's Toys

General Conference this today was wonderful. I didn't take many notes, but did listen to all the talks. It was fun because Mel came over and Joseph came up from BYU too. Conference was the highlight of my day, but Joseph's scooter was the big hit for most of the kids. Joseph drove it up from Provo over Traverse Ridge and side streets and roads. He said it was hard to sit on it for an hour. He sat on it more in between sessions as he gave kids rides around and around the block. Natalie's turn.

He taught Wes how to ride it and let him drive it up and down the street. 
He's braver than I would be to let a 15 year old ride it. It was a small step to prep him for fatherhood. When you're a dad you have to learn to share most everything with little people who are gifted at destroying anything of value.
Wes didn't break it, although he did start to get off of it once without putting up the kickstand. 
So the bad part about not trusting anyone else to ride it, is that YOU have to be the one to drive the toddlers. Sophi's turn...
Owen's turn...
Daniel's turn!
Luckily Corey came out to give Joseph a break. Corey enjoyed taking the kids around. Daniel's ready for another ride.
While Corey was gone, Joseph showed us one of his other toys - his noise cancelling Air Pod Pros! They really do cancel out sound! Abi and I were amazed. They would be fun to have. Probably not realistic for me, cause even if I am listening to a podcast or talk or something, I need to be able to hear the kids. Abi might think she doesn't need to hear any of us, ha
We told her how to do the noise cancellation, she was impressed and announced "I need these headphones!" then asked Joseph "How much are they?" Joseph's reply made me laugh out loud as he answered her with a question... "How much money have you made your entire life?" Hah! She proudly said "Like $200!" "Yeah, more than that..." haha. It's been fun having him here to share his toys with us. He earned a lot selling pest control this summer in California. Good job working hard Joseph, and I'm glad he has enough to pay for school and to spare! Hyrum is planning on selling next summer before his mission, and Ethan is also planning on it when he gets back from his mission. It's funny, Ethan has mentioned a few times in our weekly phone call with him how much he misses selling pest control, lol. You'll be back soon enough, learn to enjoy and pre present where you are. Traveling to Brazil, costa Rica, and Chile has taught us that, cause while we were there, they were so looking forward to coming back home, but they are always saying "We should go back to Brazil/Chile!" We could go back, but it won't be the same, you can never go back in time and find the same situation again, so you need to learn to enjoy where and when you are at. 

One last think Joseph shared with kids was his spiral notebook that he took notes in. Daniel took it and has been drawing in it with Joseph's "fire" pen (it has a flame design on it) - it is an erasable pen, but Daniel likes it cause it draws so small. Cute little drawings, I love toddler art.
He was working so hard and drawing so carefully, I love it.

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