Saturday, October 10, 2020

Pumpkin Patch

I woke up early this morning to take Wesley to the Granite Technical Institute for something for his class. I didn't know what it was, but whatever, and there goes my morning exercise time again. I am not doing well. I got back from taking Wes, kids were up and eating cereal (I didn't get up early to make oatmeal). Corey announced that he wanted to do something fun with the kids. He showed them the spider webs he bought last night, and the teeth for Sophi, and he bought stuff to carve pumpkins! Lily looked at me concerned, wondering if I was ok with this Halloween stuff.

I admit I'm kinda the party pooper when it comes to costumes, candy, and the lack of importance or meaning behind the Halloween holiday in general, but it's fine Lily, I was there last night when he bought them, it's ok. Thanks for checking with me sweetie. I hope I'm not messing you guys up by being a prude sometimes. Then Corey asked "Who wants to go get pumpkins?!?" Mel was here, and they loaded into his car to go to a local pumpkin patch (near Cy's market, I think, if that place is still there?) 

Hyrum and Wes not photographed, they were gone, Wes cause of his GTI thing and Hyrum was taking the ACT this morning. Corey took a video, I need to get him to start posting his videos on youtube, I'm not good at getting photos and videos from him. Then I went to go take in the snowblower to get repaired. It was over filled with oil at stopped working, but luckily it was near the end of the season. So I finally took that today to get repaired, so that is a win, go me. After that I went to Costco, then picked up Wes. When I got back home, Corey had taken the kids up to Snowbird for a hike. I'll try to get his photos of that. 

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