Thursday, October 8, 2020

Sweet Pete

Today I took Peter in the stroller as I walked Owen to the bus stop. Peter likes going on walks, and he sits in the stroller with both of his arms up on the side, so it's like a little throne with arm rests. It's super cute. When we got home, I picked him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He said "Day Do" (thank you), then paused, and then said "Huuuug!" as he opened his arms to embrace me and then squeezed my neck so tight, it made me laugh, HE IS so stinkin' ADORABLE. Here he is being affectionate with Daniel yesterday as they watched Leap Frog. (Peter drew on the couch there with a vis-a-vis wet erase marker. Came off the walls and window easily, not so much off of the couch, darn). 

I need to capture the moments when they are getting along! Peter knows he's the baby and will sometimes freak out wanting whatever toy Daniel has. It's easy to get P away and distract him with something else, but if we keep them in the same space, P will not quiet down until he gets his way. 

This evening they were watching Toy Story, and Wes taught Peter to rub his head. Wes layed down with his head on Peters lap. Peter watched the show...

Then Wes grabbed his hand and made his hand rub his head. And then Peter knew what he was supposed to do and he kept rubbing it. 

Just look at those little toes, look at his little finger in the corner of his mouth, everything he does is just totes adorbs. He took a late nap today, when I woke him up, he kept his eyes open but prob wished he was still sleeping, so he curled up in my arms and snuggled on me. Peter has all of us wrapped around his little finger. 
He's still sleeping on the floor in our room at night. I'm still nursing him once at night (sometimes twice). I've seriously never nursed a kid this long. I've joked for a while that my only complaint about Peter is that he nurses a little too well. 

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