Monday, November 23, 2020

Goodbye Hawaii and LA Layover

It has been an amazing vacation. We woke up early this morning to head to the airport for our 8am flight back to the continental US. Here was Peter this morning, we woke him up right before we said a prayer before we left the room - 

"Where am I and what is going on!?!?"
Cute boy. He was pretty cranky after that... whining as we unloaded the car before check in.
He was very good on the plane though and the flight to Los Angeles went by remarkably painlessly. He was entertained by plugging in and unplugging the headphones. 
Over and over again - That's right! That's how you do it! You are so smart Peter! 
And then he practiced repetition with the seat belt. 
And then he fell asleep. I watched Toy Story 4 with Peter, then Aladdin (Peter napped through most of that) and then I watched the Mr. Rogers show and I didn't know what to expect but I loved that! It made me cry and made me want to be a better mother and human. We landed right before I finished so my top priority on the plane to Las Vegas is to finish watching that. Corey was on a row by himself and said it was the most productive 5 hours he's had the past 12 days. He took Peter for a moment as we descended. 

Now it is all a distant dream. This is my first chance sitting down with my laptop for the past few days. When I had a free moment in Hawaii, the kids usually asked to use it for school. We have a few more hours of our layover here in LAX and then we'll spend the night in Las Vegas and drive home tomorrow. 

This has been a great vacation. I'll catch up blogging it after we get back home tomorrow. 

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