Friday, November 6, 2020

Leaves and the Temple

Things are getting real about leaving for our trip to Hawaii in a few days! We are still hoping we make it and get to stay. We were figuring out covid stuff today, and I think I know where we need to get them taken, but the appointment are all booked, so we'll try again tomorrow, and if that doesn't work, I'll need some heavenly inspiration. I called them first thing this morning as soon as they opened - 8am for them = 11 am for us. The State of Hawaii hotline and they are very helpful. (808) 768-CITY. She gave me quite a bit of info over the phone, and this website - . It sounded a bit overwhelming, I hope I don't mess up! We're also starting to figure out luggage. I want the girls to take their violins, since were going to be gone so long, so that should be fun. So I'm on the Covid stuff, Corey's figuring out what we do with the cars in Las Vegas and where we stay while we're there. We leave really early, so we opted to stay a night and leave early in the morning instead of drive all night. Which I think is the right decision. And Father David, who is from Las Vegas, gave us the number of a friend of his and we are leaving our cars with her for the 12 days, so that's nice. There's a lot to coordinate and figure out, it's kinda nerve racking! 

Ahh. To calm myself today, I took a little drive out to Draper with the kdis to buy some more wood train tracks for the boys. Just $15 bucks, but then I was bummed that they were not solid wood so I don't like them but I bought them anyway, the kids don't care, but I'm going to keep looking and will either sell these again or donate them. One good thing about our drive is that we saw some AMAZING leaves in the neighborhood - Natalie was the first kid to point out the leaves "They look so pretty!"

I don't think I've ever seen crazy multi-colored leaves like this! 

So cool! I picked up some up to show the kids in the car, then I went and grabbed a few more.

I posted a few more pictures of them on my beautiful world blog. Just amazing. I probably could have sat there all day and collected them. Just getting my never satiated fall fix. They are so beautiful! And everytime we say "beautiful" around Peter, it's so funny cause he'll sing " me!!" The kids have watched Little Rascals many times, and they can almost perfectly quite the Dear Darla letter, but our favorite is Peter when he tries to sing. We just say "you are so beautiful" and he'll sing "to meee!" It's adorable. So, while we were in the area, we did a quick drive by the Draper Temple. I am looking forward to when the temples open again. But if you can't be inside, the Holy Spirit is still strong on the temple grounds, so we took a few pictures - We're not in our Sunday clothes, but that is ok - the temple blesses us at school, at play, and everyday. 
Pajama bottoms and a superhero t-shirt - that's ok! The temple is where you want to be, Daniel!
I love to see the temple
I'm going there someday
To feel the holy spirit
To listen and to pray
For the temple is a house of God
A place of love and beauty
I'll prepare myself while I am young
This is my sacred duty
I love to see the temple
I'll go inside someday
I'll covenant with my Father
I'll promise to obey

For the temple is a holy place
Where we are sealed together
As a child of God, I've learned this truth
A family is forever

I'm grateful for my testimony that God lives, that He loves us and created this beautiful world for us, and that I can be with my family forever! I love these children and love teaching them of God's plan of happiness for us. A family is forever!

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