Friday, October 30, 2020

Making Their Mark

Owen and Daniel wrote in my scriptures recently. It's nothing too horrible yet. No pages have been ripped out so that's good. 

Owen just circled 22 a few times in 1 Nephi and Alma, which was pretty adorable.

Daniel practiced his ABCs in the margins of Micah and Nahum
I really shouldn't leave my scriptures laying around. I need to remember to put them up and away every time I get interrupted, even if I think I'm going to be right back. 
They've also vandalized every month of my academic planner. Not a big deal, cause I'll be getting a new one next July. I can deal with their scribbles until then. But the scriptures, I am going to do my best to keep this one all in one piece and maybe it will out last my babies. Peter has been doing really well sleeping in his room. He wakes up and plays with his trains or looks at a book, aw!
He does great until he sees me. Then he starts nagging for "nana" = "night night" = nurse me and snuggle with me. Here he is asking nicely for nana...
I'll try to just snuggle and kiss him, but then he gets mean cause I'm not giving him nana.
Sorry buddy, I'm trying to cut back. So hard being a baby. I often tell Peter, "You know, when Joseph was your age, he was the man of the house and had a 6 month old baby sister and he wasn't getting nana... you've been a bit spoiled" Joseph and Mel are 11 months apart. Owen got booted out of his "baby" seat too - he and Daniel are just 14 months apart. Peter Peter, what a baby. He really likes cars and if he catches me or anyone at the computer or on our phones, he'll come up and say "car" and we have to show him pictures of cars. Today he and I watched a video of the top 10 crazy conceptions of cars and that was pretty fun. I can see why he likes cars. Some of those are just not practical though, and I would never get them while living in this fallen mortal world. I'll get one in the next life, trusting that it can't get stained or ruined. I'm sure angels and celestial beings move faster without cars

I did a Costco run to SL today, cause that is the only place with ricemilk. I stocked up on that and a lot of other things - I think we're set until we leave for Hawaii, if that ends up really happening!
I was sneaking out and Owen saw me, and he didn't have coat or shoes, but lucky for him there was a jacket in the garage and Natalie left her boots in the car, so yay let's go. We're set until Hawaii and for a few meals after we get back, and I'll probably make one more run right before we got to get things there, or maybe I'll run to Costco in Las Vegas? I don't know. I hope we are actually able to go. We'll see how crazy things get next week with any election fall out.

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