Monday, November 16, 2020

Pearl Harbor

Corey got tickets for us to visit the USS Arizona Memorial at 8:30 this morning. We woke up and got ready and were running late and there was traffic on the freeway that made us more late and it was a bit frazzling and Mel called but I couldn't do a video call with her cause then I couldn't see the map and Corey dropped us off so we could check in while he parked and we barely made it to Pearl Harbor (with 1 minute to spare for Joseph to run our bags back to the car since no luggage was allowed and he ran and he quickly caught up to us) and we walked right on to the ferry as it was ready to depart. Phew! We need to stop cutting things so close and needing "It's a miracle we made it" stories (like Natalie's visa, see last pic).
Face masks on everyone except Peter. I'm impressed Daniel can see over his...

Wonderful service men

Hyrum's silhouette as we come to the Memorial.

Lily looking at the map showing how the Arizona looked originally, and how it looks now in the water below us.

Abi and Joseph looking at a display that wasn't there when Corey and I came in 2016 - it shows when divers placed the final urn of one of the Arizona's survivors with the ship after he passed away in December last year.

We saw a turtle and lots of fish in the water below. To me that seemed like a sign of hope for the world. After all the mess we make along the way life goes on - ours and that of this planet.
Sweet Peter was making noise. He is adorable. 
I appreciated Wesley holding him.
Inside the temple of names with the tree of life sculpture letting light shine in. 
Corey sharing a teaching moment with the kids. 
Wes and Peter in the quiet space. 
There is a very sacred feeling at the memorial, similar to the temple, where we think of sacrifice, of life, death, and where we gain an Eternal Perspective of the life we want to live, and the legacy we will leave. Corey showing the kids the oil that is still leaking into the harbor.
The Seal - "Heraldry!" Stephen Spykerman (see the Pilgrim Hypothesis)
More insights from Corey - 
After 30 minutes, Daniel was done, so lucky for him it was time to go.
We got to go on another boat ride, the little boys liked that. Then we walked along the walk of remembrance, I really liked that this time again.
Corey and the little boys got ahead of us, but we caught up to them at the museum.
It was great to be there with the kids. (You have a lot of kids, Corey!)
Then we went to Wendy's for some survival food, fries for everyone. Inside the party bus - Wes and Hyrum are kinda hiding.
We counted incorrectly by accident and forgot to get a burger for Joseph. He was very nice about it and we're making it up to him with food later. We went by Costco and stocked up big time, we called Mel back, oh, and I saw a MONARCH BUTTERFLY at the Wendy's drive through! I tried to get a photo, I was really thinking it would come land on me or that I'd be able to grab it, but no, it flew away. But I'm so happy I saw one. I didn't know Hawaii had Monarchs! So that is great, gives me hope for their species after a monarch-less summer at home and especially after all the California fires, so that was a happy moment. We should have food to last us until Monday. I need to make lots of fruit smoothies. 

So it's just been lots of pool time today - at the Lagoon pool and the Nai'a pool. We go from a reservation at one pool, then take a 30 min break, and head to the next pool. Daniel was very patiently holding up his arm for his wristband, reaching up so high, cute boy.
At the Lagoon pool tonight, Peter overcame his fear of the bubbling fountain. Here he is pointing at it, saying "Scare..."
And Lily helping him learn he has power over the water - 
And just like that, he overcame his fear. He can now go up to it and touch it and step on it.
But when he's back on the beach, he'll still look over at it from a distance and says "Scare..." We buried Peter in the sand today. He liked that.
Owen and Daniel did their usual jumping. Daniel is so cute and friendly too, he'll go up to kids and strike up conversations. He swam over to a little girl "Hi! I like your hair!"
Hyrum/Sophi and Abi/Natalie had a chicken fight in the Lagoon Pool that was paused and then resumed when we went to our 5pm pool reservation back at Naia.
Fight fight fight!
Chicken fight all night. 
Lily holding Peter.
After our night of fun, walking back to the room... Daniel, can you see over that mask?
Time for bed, and then another day of swimming tomorrow.

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