Saturday, November 28, 2020

Weekend Report

It was a good Saturday here at home. One item of possible significance from today is that tonight Joseph found out that his roommate tested positive for Covid. Like his room roommate that he shares a room with. Where they breathe each other's air all night. They were last together on Tuesday, so there's a good chance that Joseph was exposed. His roommate started feeling sick yesterday and got tested, and got his result back today. Joseph has been here with us since Wednesday, so maybe we've been exposed too? He's wearing a face mask since he heard and we're keeping our distance. He's going to go get tested on Monday.

The house is a little more unpacked and some laundry has been washed, we still have a lot to put away. None of us are really in the mood yet to get it all in order. The kids are enjoying being back and playing with their toys again. Trains, legos, Daniel was pushing Peter around very carefully in this little toy cart. 

Yeah, those wheels don't really roll that well with a toddler in the basket. Daniel wanted a turn after Peter, and he made himself fit in the cart, but it was definitely top heavy, so we had to go very slow. The girls have done great using their journals today. 

I helped Owen and Daniel make journals too and they have joined the fun.
They boys are more excited about the stickers than writing, but that's ok. It's cute to help them write. I am going to try and write down the things that they say, like when Mel used to do "Abi's Words". I have a few pages in Abi's scrapbook of Mel's writings from years ago when she would follow little 3 year old Abi around and write down everything she said as she played. She captured some gems. 
Lily's been creative with google docs - she sand her friends share a slide show and make pictures. 

Lily's made a gratitude list on there. That's a good form of journal keeping that Lily was doing on her own. Good job Lil.

And other than that, I'm still thinking of what this little boy might need to be able to stop nursing without too much crying. I thought maybe if he had a toy that he slept with or a blanket, like Owen did, that that would help him. I got out Ethan's old Blue toy to see if there was any magic there. 

He liked it find, but he really loves his McQueen cars. Maybe I need to find a stuffed McQueen. He sleeps with the little metal cars sometimes when I nurse him, but fidgets with them so much that usually I take them away. 

Peter is doing good at sleeping in his own bed and in his room. The only complaint is that when he wakes up screaming at night and cursing me for not giving him "nana" , but I'm nursing him ONLY one time each side at night, and THAT'S IT. Not this constant sucking on me all night long, cause that sucks and I'm getting too old for that. (Love you Peter.) 

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