Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Light the World - One by One

Merry December! Today is the first day of the Light the World Christmas campaign. 

Today was "Giving Tuesday" - "Give like Jesus did. Make a donation to charity, or volunteer with a local nonprofit and post a link so others can participate." Since it was the first of the month, we made our monthly donation to Operation Underground Railroad. It's one of the best organizations in the world! I love Tim Ballard and I love what he and his organization are doing for so many children in this world. Sign up for a monthly donation here

Some good news around here: No one around here threw up today. Little kids all ok and feeling well. Cute Peter fell asleep watching Cars today - 

Peter is holding a little metal car (Boost, I think). A toy car is ever present in his hand. 

I'm hoping we were spared the stomach bug that Wes, Abi and Lily had. I let Abi and Lily go to school today, cause they were feeling fine. Wes is still home and lying around. So good news is that kids are getting better from that. The not so good news is: Joseph found out tonight that another roommate of his tested positive for Covid, so we'll see if this leads anywhere. He spends all day in the laundry room doing homework or teaching his MTC class.

He has been sharing a bedroom with Daniel and Peter (and me), so... 😬 He'll get his results tomorrow. They said that they'll call if it's positive, or we can get the results through their My Health app if it's negative. So we'll see, good luck Joseph. (We're keeping our distance from him as much as possible).

Wearing a mask as he talked with Corey, getting some help with his computer programming homework

And now it's 1 AM and I'm in the closet. I blogged a little bit and have also been tinkering with how to do ABC books for Sophi, Natalie, Owen, Daniel, and Peter. I tried May 2019, and I'm looking again - trying to see if I can get my act together. I probably can't make them all ABC books by Christmas? I thought of it because of an email I got from some mom of a classmate of Ethan's who was making a small book for all the missionaries out, with pics of all the other missionaries and where they are. She used Social Print Studio's mini book, but after looking at what she did, that would definitely be too small for what I'm going for. I also want to make a blog book for Joseph of his mission. Maybe I'll do that for his birthday. Well, I'm going to go to bed now. Good night.

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