Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Melodie's Mission Birthday

I thought I'd share today some of Mel's pictures of her birthday on Saturday, that she shared in her weekly email yesterday. Here's our beautiful missionary and birthday girl! 

Corey's mom sent her a Christmas tree, and we were glad to see that she got our package of party accessories!

Her companions take good care of her and it seems like they all get along great -

Sister Steele on the left, Sister Junot on the right. She said that a family in their ward out there, the Stumpff family, stopped by and gave me a present! 

We miss Mel of course, but it makes it easier knowing that she is in such good hands. Mel also said that they can't burn candles, so Mel fixed that with some computer graphics. She also said "ignore the fact that there are only 18 candles on there because apparently I don't know how to count".

I keep the weekly emails that she sends posted on her mission blog. Her p-day is usually Mondays, so I that is when she writes and when I try to update it. Two more cute pictures she shared this week - this is how she likes to decorate her scriptures. 
Nephi and the broken bow...
I like it! I'll try to doodle a few drawings in mine. 

Other updates from around here: Today I finally finished blogging Hawaii, yay. Sunday Songs was the last post I had to finish. I need to go shopping.  I picked up Natalie from school, she said stomach hurts. As I've been home with her, I noticed her eyes crossing as she talked to me. I set up an eye exam for her on Friday. We might have another kiddo in glasses. And the side room is not put back together yet from our water mess. Our master bedroom carpet still wet by the bathroom door too. It is a great mystery that I would like to solve - who was it that clogged the toilet. I might have to wait until the next life to learn the truth. "Who was it that clogged the toilet on December 14th?" Wesley laughed as I shared my thoughts with him: "I'm sure that will be the first thing you want to learn about after you die." Ha, I could start to learn answers to the mysteries of the universe and cosmos, but I'll be stuck trying to check off unanswered questions from my mortal life - like the great toilet overflow of 2020.

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