Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Little Learners

One of the delightful moments of my day is seeing Owen's little face through the bus window and waving to him as he passes by. The bus stop is by the Schmidt's house, and then it goes around the block as it leaves the neighborhood, so I give him a kiss and a hug before he gets on the bus, and then I get to wave at him again as I'm on the sidewalk walking back home and they drive by on their way out of the neighborhood. I can't capture his drive by wave on camera, cause the windows are dark so his cute face is barely visible, but I love seeing his hand wave. It's one of my favorite little moments of the week. Kindergarteners are just so sweet. We have to love on them while they still let us!
A few other things from today - I found these books on my desk today with a post it note from Sophi, letting me know that she has finished reading them. 

She is a good little student of the scriptures. She's on the top of the triple bunk bed in the girls room and has a little set up every night where she goes up there and reads with her headlamp. I'm trying to be a good student of learning too. I have so many books I want to read. Maybe I need to start to listen to them, cause I can listen easily while I clean, but I struggle making time to sit and read. I just finished listening to all the episodes of the Naturally Thin Podcast, yay. I'm might re-listen to them, just one a day, to keep my mind focused and in tune to becoming naturally thin. Today I went to Costco with Peter. They had lots of blankets on sale, and kids here seem to never be able to find a blanket when were sitting to read for scriptures, so now that should be taken care of. I got like 8 new very soft and fuzzy blankets for the side room. Yay. Hyrum ordered some glasses today. With how gentle he is on glasses, I'm guessing these new ones will last him until he gets home from his mission. My little Hyrum is all grown up. Owen is probably going to grow up too. Sigh - I'll miss these little people. I hope more little people come into our life when mine are all gone. 

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