Friday, January 1, 2021

New Years Day at Alta

Happy New Year! We aren't up at Brighton, but Corey still wanted to make a New Year's Day ski outing happen, so we got up early and headed up to Alta and it was absolutely wonderful! Hyrum was not feeling at the top of his game yet from getting his wisdom teeth out on Wednesday, so he offered to stay home with Peter. We originally planned to bring Peter in the carrier, but that sounded hard and miserable to me. I think this worked out better. I'm sure if Peter came he would have just been so cold that he would have been crying. Instead he was able to play with Joseph and Hyrum and they said he didn't miss me at all, so that is great. Joseph was going to come with us, but he was out past 3 am, thus he didn't make it out of bed. Corey set out everyone's clothes and skis and boots last night and we loaded up. He also came equipped with all the gear lunch, hot chocolate, and all the goods we needed for the day. 

After we helped all the kids get their ski boots on and gave them their skis and poles, they walked over to the lower lift and waited for Corey and I.

We were straggling behind cause we got them ready before ourselves. Corey was the final to arrive. I thought he looked like a real mountain man.
We went to get passes for Corey, Abi, and I. Everyone else already had theirs. Then to the rope tow and the upper lift! You guys ready to go skiing?!?!
Daniel looks so adorable. There's not many things that are cuter than a little bundled up skiing toddler. 
First run of the day - say cheese! Thanks, now I'll let you guys ski and won't interrupt you for photos. 
This is Corey's third ski trip with the kids so far this year (first on Thanksgiving, 2nd time on Christmas Eve, I guess we like to ski on holidays). Natalie taking a little break in the lift line - she would lay down, then stand up and move up when the line moved forward, then lay down again for a quick snooze... 
Wes on the left, Abi on the right. Daniel, Lily and I on the lift... Daniel, where are your eyes?

The kids went in the trees, Corey and I took turns skiing down with Owen and Daniel. Daniel did NOT want to stop at lunch time to eat. He wanted to ski and he let us know it. Kinda funny. Corey didn't put up with his fit and brought him up. After calming down, Daniel happily ate a sandwich and drank hot chocolate and apologized for not obeying (so that he could have some pringles). It was also a chance for me to get a pic... Everyone fed and getting ready to head out again.

Then we skied and skied and it was so fun. The older kids went to the lower lift for a few runs. Corey and I stayed on Sunnyside with Natalie, Owen and Daniel.

Following Daniel - he can do the whole hill all by himself!

We asked a stopped skier to take a group picture for us before our last run - 

And then when it was time to go home at 4, Daniel freaked out again. "I WANT TO SKI! I WANT TO SKI!" The lifts were still open for another half hour, and I wanted to stay with Daniel and ski, but Corey didn't think we should reward tantrums, and he's right. So Corey carried him to the car and I carried all our skis and poles (not very well). Daniel stood and sulked by the car, the same as he did on Christmas Eve when it was time to leave

Well, last time he was a bit more of a peaceful protester. Today he put up a bit more of a fight. I tried ot reason with him. I talked to him, tried to pull his face warmer down so I could see his eyes...
...but then he'd pull down his head into it again, like a little turtle going into his shell. Mourning quietly, trying to come to grips with reality... 

Cute little Daniel. A toddler not wanting to stop skiing is better than them not wanting to ski. So this is a good problem. 

Sorry buddy! Next time we'll be more prepared and we will try to let you stay on the mountain until you're little "I love to ski" cup is overflowing. I think the real thing was that he was tired. He had gotten up early and didn't have a nap obviously, so he was kinda drunk tired. Plus he was already toddler drunk cause he is a toddler. He fell asleep right away on the drive home. Had I let him stay until the lifts closed, I'm sure that would have just meant that I would have had to deal with a reluctant toddler on my own. So next time I'm going to have granola bars in my pocket for Daniel for lunch, so he and I can just keep going. And we'll take two cars again so that he and I can stay until the last possible moment. He is a really good little skier and it was so fun to watch him ski today. I'm glad I joined the fun, and I'm glad to have Corey as my partner in crime - he's a father determined to give his children great experiences like this, and I'm grateful that we can be a skiing family! It's fun!

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