Thursday, January 28, 2021

Virtual Wax Museum

Sophia had her wax museum last Thursday at school. She learned about and dressed up as Sally Ride.

She borrowed a costume from her teacher. 

Today we got the link to the wax museum that they recorded. We've had lot of years of wax museums. Joseph was Mitt, Melodie was Sacagawea, Ethan missed it cause he was going to school in Chile, Hyrum was Abraham Lincoln, Wes was Norman Rockwell. Abi was Helen Keller, Lily was Amelia Earhart (great hair Lil!), and now Sophi as Sally Ride. Today we watched a little video that her teacher made of the museum, since we weren't allowed to visit the museum in person due to Covid. 

Here she is in these two photos with 3 other Sally Ride's and Barack Obama. 

It's fun! Good job Soph! If you want to follow in Sally Ride's footsteps then I know you'll made a great astronaut and you've got a good last name for it too!

I'm catching up on the blog, as always. Today I finished December, yay, so 2020 is on the books. I don't think I have time to have the blog books made and shipped back in time for our anniversary, but that is ok. It feels good to have December done. I was working on printing it tonight. It looks like I have way too many photos again, so it will have to be divided into 3 volumes again. Darn, but oh well. I'm not willing to go back and delete posts or pictures, so 3 volumes it is. 

Today I also mailed some notarized papers to Mel that she needs to finish her visa application to Brazil. I hope that she and Ethan are able to go to their missions! Brazil looks like they are having a tough time. We are all praying for our friend Tiago. 

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