Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Books and Journals

Peter came with us to violin yesterday. He was very good and sat quietly and read books most of the time, and I'm very glad that he has not destroyed any of Miss Amy's books (that I am aware of)...

It's a different story at home. I recently ordered some new Cars books for Peter: 2 Seek and Find books and one Collection of Cars stories. He has destroyed 1 of the seek and find books (but I'm keeping the hard bound cover on his shelf cause it's got a nice picture of McQueen and Mater.) The collection book is ruined but not totally destroyed. It's currently on my shelf to see if I want to hot glue and tape it together again. And I am hiding the last seek and find book from him. 

That is a different Pixar collection book that you see destroyed above him in the picture above. Aww, but he's just so darn stinkin' cute! But I do not plan on buying any more books for him until he learns some proper book ettiquette. Maybe he gets it from seeing how his siblings treat some of their books. Natalie ripped out a few pages of her bullet Journal and said she wants to start over and get a new one, and I was totally bummed cause I thought was so cute!
I might try to tape it up and put it in a sheet protector in her scrapbook.
Or maybe this photo will just have to be it's memorial: "It's me agin. I'm telling you about me giting baptis. I'm gitin baptis next year. I'm 7 and in 2nd grade. I go to school in granit elimentry caneyns school discert. My teacher is Miss Walker. her rell name is Leeanne. She is so nice and I'm so exsided to git baptis so I can have my own Book of Mormen."

When the kids are baptized, there is a tradition of the bishopric gifting them a hard blue cover Book of Mormon with their name engraved on it. She already has several Books of Mormon... ("Book of Mormons?" She actually has 4. She did something to some books recently that I didn't like, but her heart was in the right place. And it was something that she had seen me do. She wrote her name on some of the NEW Book(s) of Mormon(s) that I bought for us that I DIDN'T want anyone's names written on the side... 
I don't think any of these are the one she was working on in April 2020... But Natalie, I like the diligence and the habit you're is aspiring to acquire. She stayed home from school yesterday (said her tummy hurt) and she was trying to help Owen and Daniel stop teasing and fighting each other by sitting them down to read the scriptures with her. ...but FIRST they needed their own book and a highlighter! So she got one for Owen and Daniel and Peter so that they could all have their own Book of Mormon too... Owen chose to highlight in orange, Daniel chose yellow... And then Owen wanted to write his own name himself. And then Owen wanted to do Peter's, and then he kept doing Peter's cause he kept messing it up... and don't think they ever got around to reading but when I found them they had prepared a dozen new books and marked them up on all the sides... Five of them for Peter. Daniel has two, Owen had 4, two on his desk and two extra in this stack here, which are the books that the rest of us will be using when we get out books for scriptures. 
Usually Corey brings up the scriptures online on the computer and casts it to the big screen for us to read. But we've got these ready when we need them. It looks like Peter's got a lot of work to do. I hope he learns how to read quickly so he can get started. Here we are gathered in the side room for scriptures.
Daniel was feeling feisty toward Hyrum as usual... Hyrum trying to show that he's a nice guy and has done absolutely nothing wrong that could have possibly bring Daniel's wrath upon him. But D is mad anyway. Watch out Hyrum! Corey has started a weekly kid highlight where we each say something nice about a kid. Tonight we went around and each shared things that we love about Natalie. 
I love that she is so diligent in her scripture reading. And it's ok that her journals and books come and go. I am the same way. I have a whole shelf of notebooks that I've bought for different purposes, most of which were not finished and have not fulfilled the measure of their creation. I found this small one that I did in 2012, re-started in 2016, I had some good nuggets in there.
I'm restarting again now. I want to keep a record of all the ways I see the Lord's hand in our life

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