Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Filter Ad

Last week a little mental alarm went on in my brain that said "It's February! Yikes - yearbook ads are due in February!" Since I've had 3 years of Seniors (Joseph 2018, Mel 2019, Ethan 2020) I guess it instinctively kicked in like an annual to do. I looked on the school website and sure enough, they are due on the 11th, Phew! So I've been working on Hyrum's yearbook ad for a few days. today I'm submitting it. This is the final draft:

And this was the runner up - same quote, different kiddie photos: 
I had a hard time deciding between those baby and toddler photos. Hyrum was such a cute little guy. 
He didn't care for any of his recent photos, so we went in the backyard and took some this afternoon. He didn't care for any of those either. We laughed at his frustration and he was having flashbacks to family pictures where Mel teased him "You suck at smiling!" He has a hard time knowing how to show his natural happiness for some reason.
The kids were playing around with the faceapp last night and today. Hyrum used it to touch up one of the photos from our afternoon shoot, and he asked if they (Skyline or Jostens?) would get mad if he had a beard in his photo. "You can do whatever you want. If we could talk in ferb-latin for Ethan's, you can have a beard." He finally texted me that he was ok with this one stating that "If you don't care if I have a beard, I don't..."
Who knew that that cute little baby would grow up to be such a big hairy guy. Later today, when we were talking in Messenger with Ethan, I saw that Hyrum had updated his facebook profile photo...
And I thought that one looked better so I used that one instead of our backyard bearded pic. When our missionaries Mel and Ethan saw this, they were not going to let him get away with it and left him some comments...

Mel: Liar
Mel: If you're going to use a beard filter you have to use it on your cover photo too
Hyrum: So be it
Ethan: So fake
Ethan: But looks great. I would keep it

Looks like Hyrum has more "something something" growing than he did back in March 2020 in the good ol' days of The House (minute 22:35). So Hyrum had updated fb with a bearded profile pic, but he was not bearded in the cover photo behind it with our whole family. And anyone could tell were photos taken on the same day - so then Hyrum updated his cover photo too. That gave me a great laugh after I saw the comments and then when I saw it - very funny! Haha! So I guess it's legit! He really does have a beard!

Corey said he looked like a very nice young Jewish man, like he could be a character in Fiddler on the Roof or something. Maybe the brother of Tzeitel's husband Motel. I did a little photo altering today myself. I wrote an email to Dennis recently and shared this video about the solar system to scale and I said how the earth is like a marble floating the desert, but I made a spelling error and said "dessert" on accident. Today he sent a reply apologizing for an error he made in the date of the publication of his Latin Bible, and then teasingly pointed out my typo, which I hadn't noticed. I felt a little embarrassed. Dennis taught college for many years: chemistry, four geology courses, atmospheric science, environmental science, oceanography, and two astronomy courses.  Plus he was part of several coordinated-study courses with other members of the faculty. NEEDLESS to say, that as much of a lover of learning as I might aspire to be, I am totally out of my league with him. But I try to keep up, atleast with a little self deprecating humor. I sent him this photoshop of what popped into my brain when I learned of my error.

My marble:desert vs. marble:dessert ratio blunder is pretty big in both time and space compared to his London 1710:Paris 1750 publication error. I let him know that he is forgiven.

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