Saturday, February 13, 2021

Grand Targhee

Corey, Peter and I, spent the night in a little lodge at Grand Targhee. And I'd like to know what year this lodge was built. We were in room 216. I felt like I'd gone back in time a few decades. I didn't look anything up online, but I had assumed it was a nice place. It wasn't, but that is fine. Beds were comfortable and we were warm enough, so it was good. Corey spent the morning getting the bins out of the car so that we'd be all ready for the kids to come and suit up in the room. The kids checked out of the Super 8 and took a shuttle up to the resort, and Corey met them outside. When they saw our room, they laughed. And then we got ready. Peter was freaking out when I tried to put the snowpants on him. I got tired of him screaming, so I took them off and said we'd dress him last. But he was already ticked off so the crying didn't stop. A video of part of his little protest here
We had to check out of our room, but first we had to get all our junk out. I helped kids get dressed and one by one they were off. The older kids took the little kids, I was left with Peter. It's time to let him scream while we get him dressed. Lucky boy, he gets gloves today.
Corey put on his ski pass on his zipper. Peter was reminding me of Randy in A Christmas Story, ha. 
I put a warm hat under his facemask today so that helped it fit better and I think will help him see better than he did yesterday. Peter was nice and pleasant once we got outside. Corey was also ready with the backpack today - 
Peter didn't like being in the carrier, but Corey was ready to take him anyway. Once we got to the lift, the lift operator stopped us and said Peter couldn't go like that... "Everyone needs their own equipment." (Peter didn't have skis on, and skis while in the carrier probably won't work?) So I went up the lift with Daniel and Corey took Peter back and put on his skis and they stayed on the "Magic Carpet" 
I followed Daniel most of the day. Here is one video of us skiing down, and another video here below of us going through the trees. 

It was really fun going through the trees! I loved the Kid Activity Zone here at this resort, it was great. It was also fun to be up on the chairlift and see the kids go skiing by beneath us. It was really great. I didn't ski with Peter today, I was just with Daniel the whole time. We stopped for sandwiches before we headed out, and I got to see my little Peter then. Ski selfie!
He was a very good boy. We headed out a little early to hopefully have some daylight on our drive. Loading up the car - 
Daniel asked "Are we going home?" Yep. "Hooray! I LOVE going home!" 
Corey and I drove down with Peter in the car, the rest of the kids took the shuttle. Corey waited with them until the shuttle bus arrived, and then we hopped in the car to be in front of them. There's lots of snow up here! 
The shuttle stop was at the Driggs Community Center, and they had some bathrooms and a whole room with a bench and some counter shelves where we parked our bins and were able to get set up for the kids to all change, use the bathroom, load up boots and organize snowpants and coats before we headed out. It was great. Someday in our dream home, we're going to add a big mud room/dump room where we unload and organize before anyone is allowed to move on. 

As we were loading up, Joseph called and said he wanted to talk to Corey and I. We weren't in a position to talk, so we called him back after the kids were on the shuttle. He's not engaged. He called to tell us that he got straight As and was awarded a scholarship! Way to go, Joseph! Hyrum got news last night when BYU sent out their admissions, and he is not BYU Provo bound, but he is now mostly likely BYU Idaho bound. So we stopped by Rexburg on our drive out to see what will most likely be his future school campus. 
When were in Hawaii and went by BYU Hawaii, Corey recalls Hyrum saying that Hawaii was too warm and nice. And so he didn't want to go there cause then it would make him not appreciate or enjoy nice vacations as much, since they were just what he had gotten used to as "normal". So Corey said "This is good that we are here in the full glory of Idaho winter so that you can get a taste for what is coming." 
Hyrum said he doesn't remember saying that Hawaii was too nice and warm. Well, then maybe you can hurry and apply if it's not too late? haha. Hawaii would be nice, but Idaho is good, this will be a good place for him. Plus there was a Moxie lounge right off campus and Hyrum took that as a sign. He plans on going with Joseph to sell pest control for Moxie out in Pennsylvania over the summer, and he wants to sell enough to have keys to the Moxie Lounge. Oh, I don't think I ever shared those photos! Joseph has a key to a new Moxie lounge down in Provo, and it's a real sweet set up with couches, a theater, a bowling alley and lots of other stuff that make you think you're very likely paying too much for pest control. Corey got a tour of it once when he was down there. The one in Rexburg isn't as new, but Joseph thinks it's probably still a good set up for a college kid and that Hyrum will enjoy it fine. 

So then we walked back to the car. A cute video of Peter walking in his poofy snowpants, so cute. (He could see fine, although the neck thing was over his whole forehead, but Peter was just looking down). We got fast food at Ole's, some place that some one recommended to Corey. It was a little bit out of the way, but it was fine. So hooray, we're finally back home and yay we're alive! We didn't crash the cars or get stuck in snow. Although last night, as we slowly drove toward Driggs, but after getting through the winding parts of the Teton Pass, there was this white truck that zoomed past both of us like he was in a hurry to get somewhere and he must have felt it was ok for him to speed cause he had dual rear tires, and then 3 minutes later, we passed him - he had slid and we could see his tracks go to the left and then he crossed the road and was stuck in a huge bank of snow on the right. We didn't stop to help, but I did say a little prayer for them and (not to judge) but that they'll be more careful next time and not speed in a blizzard! And so yeah, the drive home was great and mostly quick. There were a few scary parts with windy snow blowing on the interstate. It was mostly rain once we reached Utah, until we got off the freeway, then it started snowing, but we'd been travelling through so much snow the past few days, and also since that part is familiar, so it wasn't stressful. I'm glad we made it back home!

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