Saturday, February 20, 2021


We had a little talk tonight about sibling rivalry and the pecking order. 

The kids don't fight a ton, but it's still more than I'd like. Hyrum and Wes get along pretty well, but Wes and Abi are picking fights, Abi and Lily a lot, Lily Sophi and Natalie get along pretty well, they call themselves "The Three Sisters" which might explain why Abi feels left out, not that she wants to play down to them, but Abi says that Lily turns Sophi and Natalie against here, Owen and Daniel laugh and play and then fight and cry in a constant loop... Sigh. But I trust that they will be friends when they leave our house. Mel and Ethan get a long great now. The older 5 are all good friends. I had the usual squabbles with my siblings when I was growing up and we're all pals now. So I know that this is all just a normal part of childhood. But we'll still try to teach them a better way. From President Russell M. Nelson in his talk "A Plea To My Sisters" - 

"Attacks against the Church, its doctrine, and our way of life are going to increase. Because of this, we need women who have a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ and who will use that understanding to teach and help raise a sin-resistant generation." 

Wow, the idea of raising a sin resistant generation, how do we do that? This talk by Sister Joy Jones - "A Sin Resistant Generation" - wow... how to we help our children catch that vision? Service, love, selflessness, overcoming trails, encouraging one another... this is a topic I will study more.

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