Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Church Gym

Hi. It was a good busy day. Peter was in his pj's well past lunch time.

I'm kinda in survival mode - household management wise. I took a pregnancy test a week ago and it was positive and Corey and I both handled it well, but then I've been spotting the past few days. So, I think maybe I'm not? It hasn't been bright red, so maybe I am... Maybe the test was wrong. We'll see how it goes the rest of this week.  (I'm actually not sharing this personal info "live", I'm writing up this post like a month later in May, so I already know the outcome, but for the historical account of how I was feeling at the moment, I'll wrote it there above as if it was "today")  A meme that my younger sister sent yesterday is about how I've been feeling the past day -
Corey's been busy at work and working late. It's been cold and gray outside. The clouds on the mountains are beautiful though:
Still, tonight I was feeling cooped up and was going a little crazy and was about to snap, so I decided to save my sanity by taking the kids to the church to play ball. I'm trying to not turn to food when I have rough emotions. Abi and Lily had a youth activity at the church and it was inside the church, so I asked Abi to let me know if they were using the gym or not, and if they weren't, we were going to come over and play. She said it was open. One of the YW leader's son was in there playing basketball, and I figured we could join him. We brought some tennis rackets too and a few soccer balls. 
Corey got home right as I was leaving. Win win I hope - maybe he'll get all his stuff done and I'll wear out the kids and maybe we could go to bed at a decent time. Mom - get the ball off the stage!

Peter, you already have a ball. He was being a bit of a ball hog with the soccer balls, which O and D were sad about a few times, but mostly O&D kept busy playing with the rackets.

I kicked around the soccer ball and it was fun. More of the YW leaders kids came to the gym and joined us - we had a little soccer game going and it was me vs. 5 kindergarteners. We had the whole wall be the goals, so that made it a pretty quick paced game. I probably won. The main memory of tonight will be my sore knee. I tripped as we were playing and Natalie and I fell and I hurt my right knee soooo bad. It looks fine, but it hurt so bad and I know it's gonna be a huge bruise. 

4/15 - next day update - want to see my knee? It wouldn't be pretty before the bruise, but with the bruise, yikes. It looks like I got kicked by a horse! But no... I tripped. 

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