Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Funny Boys

Here are a few pictures that I've been meaning to share. I've been collecting them for one post, and today is a good day to share them, because there were a few of them today. I want to tell you about the funny things these little boys do. Here they are saying cheese at Thanksgiving Point today at the Dinosaur Museum.

I know I talk about the adorable things baby Peter do all the time, like "Aww - look! He's sitting on a baby dinosaur!! Peter!"


So today we'll not talk about Peter, we'll focus on Owen and Daniel. But I'm also going to mention the little errands and stuff from today, so this won't necessarily be a coherent post. Sorry not sorry. So here is Owen dressed up as something on April 12. 
I don't know what I'm looking at, but let's break down the outfit and props. He's got a captain hook jacket on, a costa vida viser, a cape, he's holding a cooler in one hand, a little rainbow pail in the other, and  has cowboy boots on... any ideas? I'm stumped. I think he's just a creative little boy with a big imagination, and in his imagination, he is looking pretty awesome right now. I'm guessing that the cooler has random broken electronics and legos in it. Actually there could be anything in there. He'll use a bird cage or cooler or little bucket as his carrier for the day. 

Today, we were on our way to take Wes to GTI and then the boys and I were going to go to Thanksgiving Point afterwards, when Wes noticed some major rattling from Owen's back pack. Hm. Then I noticed that it looked very full "Owen, what do you have in there?" We open it up... 8 boxes of macaroni! I think he wanted to help out by bringing some snacks for us to enjoy at Thanksgiving Point. Funny!

I pulled those out and put in his library books in, and while I cleared it out, I saw that he also had 5 pairs of Daniel and Peter's shoes, some mismatched, but 10 shoes in all

So funny! And after we got home, I found this little home decor bird cage holding his shoes. 

Owen's been carrying this cage around for weeks with various odd and end items in it. This morning Hyrum was looking for some wheat rolls that we had last night, and I said "I think they're in the bird cage over there..." Hyrum "Of course that's where they are...."

Here are two cute drawings by Owen - first of Louie, I took this picture March 12th. He might have done this one at school when he took Louie on March 1st.
And working on another Louie sketch at the kitchen counter - 
Today I took Wes to his class a the GTI building, then went to thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum with ODP.  I already said that huh. Oh well. I took O straight to school after that. They watched Mr. Rogers in the car. My mom gifted us some Mr. Rogers DVDs for Christmas, and I have discovered that car time is the perfect time to indoctrinate my children with good manners and Mr. Rogers politeness. It was so fun to hear Daniel  saying "Yes!" to all the questions Mr. Rogers asked: "Have you ever seen a fortune cookie?" YES! "Would you like to come with me and see how they are made?" Daniel says with delight "OK!" He's done that several times, and I love it. Mr Rogers really does connect with these kids! They feel like he is really talking to them each individually. 

And I was just reminded of a few funny Daniel moments, too. So our little Daniel is very friendly. Miss Amy, the girls' violin teacher, has blonde hair and had it in a side braid at our lesson a few weeks ago, like March 22 or 29th, and as we were getting ready to leave he told her with calm affection "I love you... You look like Elsa!" And then on a weekend when we went down to BYU to pick up Hyrum after a weekend of pre-season pest control selling (at St. George? Or around Utah County? I don't remember, I think it was a Saturday night though that we were picking up H) and Joseph wanted a ride to his girlfriend's apartment, and then when we got there, Joseph thought it would be fun to take Peter in. So we were waiting for Peter to be delivered back to us, and I let Owen and Daniel stick their heads out of the sunroof. And Daniel waved and yelled "Hi" to everyone that passed - "Hi!" Then he explained, in case they were confused: "We're just saying hi to people..." and to one lucky passer-by he added: "You look like Captain America!" I bet that made his day! And one last cute comment, we were in the car driving recently, Daniel mused: "I can't fly, cause Peter Pan's not here..." I try to write down fun and cute things they say, but then I can't remember what the context was behind the statements or where we were or exactly when, but those were some cute things Daniel said in March. They are super fun and funny kids. 

A little more of my run around today - Abi to flute lesson, took W to work with Corey after W got back from school, went back to get Abi, then home to fix dinner, Lily started it, made Orange Chicken, I did the rice, then took Dinner to CW and friend David at work, came home and H was cleaning the kitchen and had made the kids help him a little bit, even though he was all alone when I walked in. I went and gave him a hug "I'm going to miss you!!! And not just because you clean for me." "I am NOT going to miss this. I was just looking at all these dishes and thinking 'it's going to be so easy! like we'll have 5 dishes to clean....' " dreaming of what washing the dishes after dinner will look like when he's living out on his own with Joseph next week. He's also excited that he'll be able to buy his own food.

I started reading a book called "That We May Be One" by Tom Christofferson. I've had the book for a while. My desire to read it was prompted by a discussion that went on yesterday in Wesley's Seminary class. I want to understand the gay point of view and experience more. I really like Tom and love how his family handled that experience of a sincere son leaving the church. I also started "Unbroken" today too. I was sharing a few parts of that with Wes and we were freaking out - Louie was a crazy kid!!! You want to talk about a kid that would make you think you are a failure or that your kid is going to kill himself, wow. I've got it easier with my 12 than Louie's mom did with him. Look at my kids all being calm and peaceful - 

Lily got them all playing a game called Googly Eyes tonight. I liked that they started a game by themselves and all played nicely. We are pretty lucky to have all these fun kids in our life. 

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