Saturday, April 17, 2021

Waterford Game

We went to Waterford tonight for a family soccer game. It was fun. I had the kids pose for a silhouette photo before we left, in honor of our memories here last year when we came to play outside and escape the quarantine feeling of being home all day. 

Left to right is SOWPADNLH. We sent this photo to JME via our facebook messenger group, we were missing them tonight!
Last year, it really was such a huge blessing to have everyone home for a whole month together. We've only got a few more days with Hyrum before he leaves us too. He and Joseph are leaving on April 26 to go out to Pennsylvania to sell pest control with Moxie. We're going to try and have a few more nights like this before he flies the nest. Tonight we had a good family soccer game. Our first match was kids vs Parents. Corey and I won. The two of us against 9 kids! Just kidding... it was more like the two of us vs. HWAS. Natalie didn't want to play, and Owen defected to our team.
Lily didn't play much, she volunteered for sweet Peter duty. Peter is the cutest.
Then we had a game of THS vs. CWAO and I think Corey's team won that match. It was fun. My knee got hit a few times, but it was no unbearable pain, so I was thankful. We look forward to many family nights of fun this year and many years into the future.

Other than that, our morning was full of soccer - Sophi at 9, Lily at 10:30. Lily went to Sophi's game cause I had written on the calendar that her game was at noon, but luckily Corey caught my mistake, so I went to get her and got her there on time. Then I came home, Corey did too, and he took me to Burt Bros to pick up the van, which I dropped off last night when my "check engine" light came on, on my way back from my vaccine shot. So that was done early, and he dropped me off to pick that up, then he dropped off stuff at the DI for me that H and I had loaded into his car. We're doing a good job getting the basement cleared out yet again, a never ending project. 

Music practice and chores from 12-3:30, and then at 3:30 Corey took ALSN to Hale Center Theater for the play Daddy Long Legs. I'm sure he took pictures, I'll try to get them. To keep ODP from noticing that they might be missing out on something, I put their bikes in the van and took them over to the school. We went on Owen's kindergarten playground today.
Spider man Daniel crawling up the spider web!
Owen doing laps through a puddle.
Peter admiring their work.
And then he joins in. 
He's not tall enough yet to feel comfortable sitting on the seat, so he straddles the bar and toddles with the bike between his legs. He is starting to stride a little, it's cute.
They were having a great time until Owen fell - his wet tires slipped on the blue playground floor. Then we went over to the big park for a bit. It was super cute watching Owen help Peter by catching him as he went down the slide, or putting him on the teeter totter, it was precious. And then Owen noticed that he had scraped his knee and was bleeding. So he cried to go home, D and P didn't want to but eventually came. I gave them baths and got dinner ready. Also, I mentioned Wednesday that I was preg, but it looked like I might not be cause I had been spotting a lot. Well today it was more than spotting, so I'm definitely not, so I might have miscarried again. So I think I've had 3 miscarriages now: 1 in Costa Rica at 10 weeks, #2 this past December at 8 weeks, and the one today at 6.5 weeks. Of course there's also the chance that the preg test was inaccurate. Anyway, I'm handling it fine. After my December miscarriage (and the $600 in bills to pay for the 3 ultrasounds they had me do) I've decided that if we do get pregnant again, I'm not going to tell anyone at all (except Corey and Nicole) and we'll wait to make sure it's viable at a 16 week ultrasound before we say anything. That's my current plan. I'm still ok with 12 kids. I still feel like God told me that he'd like us to have 14, so we'll just let that all play out however the good Lord wants it to play out. So there's my tmi about that. Corey and the girls were home at 6:30 from the theater, we ate, then went to Waterford for the rest of the night. 

Brief history of our family fun at Waterford: our first time having a family activity at the field there was a year ago when we were trying to find a good place to see the full moon. Then we went again the next day cause it was so fun. It has been a favorite family place since. Last spring, with the quarantine, it was always free. I've been checking on it the past few weeks as it's been warming up, and there have been games and stuff going on, but it looked free tonight, so we were happy to go put it to good use. 

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