Thursday, May 27, 2021

Last Day of Elementary

Sophi and Natalie had their last day of 2nd and 3rd grade today. 

After seeing them off, we played outside with the cottonwood seeds for a while.
Owen was chasing the fuzzies down the street.
Owen's last day was last Thursday, and then he had a test with his teacher on Tuesday (he's "well below" benchmark, doh!) and today we went to a Kindergarten Picnic. I said we were going to the park, cause that is where it was at, but Peter was ticked when we walked over to where the group was sitting on the grass, instead of going to the slide. He went to the slide and insisted I follow him. I did.
But then I walked away and tried to be quick, so I could take a picture of Owen and Daniel sitting on the grass, which I thought was pretty sweet. I didn't bring a blanket for them, sorry guys.
Peter yelled at me and ran after me and then sat on the grass with us.
They called up all of the kids to come get a little plastic medal and a certificate. He was at the end of the alphabet, so we waited a little bit. Peter was patient. It was Owen's turn. They read his little sheet that he filled out about his favorite Kindergarten things. 
His first answer made me laugh about what he wants to be when he grows up. I don't the poor kid knows what's going on half the time. 
Then we played at the park until 1, then we had to head home, because Natalie and Sophi were getting out early at 1 today. Back at home, Natalie played with Peter. I was so tired, I took a nap and vaguely remember her telling me that she was going to take Peter over to the neighborhood "end of the school year" party at 3. That's when I got up. I went over and was a little late, but I arrived in time to see the color fun.
Peter enjoying a popsicle.
And then the kids all ran up to me to tell me that WE HAD TO GET A PET CAT cause our neighbor still had 3 kittens left and can we please get one?!?! "For my birthday????" Lily begged... 
Peter liked the kitten. 
They were super cute, I admit. I texted Corey to "ask", and he replied "NO!! Kittens become CATS!!!" 
Too bad. No kids, we can't have a cat. As Corey has told you before, you can have a cat or you can have a father, but you can't have both. 
Natalie wasn't allowed to touch them with the color chalk all over her.
We had to leave to take Natalie to ballet and Peter was a bit stuffed up after that, so I think he's allergic too. We hurried home and she took a quick bath before class. She got her costume today and it's very pink and sparkly and pretty. She is excited for the Cinderella performance. Peter fell asleep in the car, so I read a book and opened the windows and we waited for her to be done. Back at home, Peter was still tired. I tried to wake Peter up. 

My pretty little boy.
Later tonight, after everyone had baths, we had a yoyo dinner, Corey was eating some kimchi after he got home from work. Peter wanted some. Corey gave him some thinking Peter'd be grossed out, but was surprised that Peter kept wanting more. 
Corey's like "It's ok... you don't have to eat it..." as Peter looked a little grossed out by it but kept taking another bite anyway.

Maybe kimchi gives Peter his super powers!
I was glad that Peter was willing to wear a batman outfit today since the Spiderman one is getting out of the laundry. Peter is such a flexible little guy.
I think his spiderman shirt is clean now, but I just haven't folded that basket. Peter following along for scriptures. 
Cute little boy.
Ready for prayer, we love this little guy.

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