Saturday, June 12, 2021

Abi at EFY

Corey went down to Provo to pick up Abi today as she finished up a fun week at EFY. Abi, what would you like to tell us about your EFY experience? "Well, what photos do you have?" Just all the ones that you texted us. Let's see...

Hmm, there are quite a few pictures of you guys sipping on smoothies. How many time did you go to Jamba Juice? "We went went everyday except for Monday and Today." 

What was your favorite Jamba Juice to Order. "I got the Strawberry and banana wild with raspberries and pineapple. It was really good." And there at Jamba juice is where her company started a funny little thing where they gave all the guys girl names and the girls guy names. Abi became Abraham, Salvador became Sally, Cason was Casey, Beckham was BECCAAA said with three A's like that, drawn out. You can see some of their names on their smoothies after another stop at Jamba Juice.

When Corey took her down on Monday, they went by the bookstore and Corey bought her this cute dress, cause it just looked so cute on her that "It had to be done"
She wrote that night that she was feeling a bit homesick, but I told her to just enjoy it, cause it will be over before she knows it, and you can't go back. Lunch photo - 
This is her "company"
Another stop at Jamba Juice.

In the auditorium ballroom where they had their big EFY meetings/morning sides.

Group picture in the dorm bathroom mirror!

This is Abi's favorite picture of her and her roommate Abby. She is from California.
Abi posing this morning when she knew Abby was taking her picture - this was at 7 am today.
Abi with her counselors: Courtney, Annie, and Landon. They ship Landon and Annie, they called them "Lannie"

This is Beckham/BECCAAA in the front here taking the group selfie. He's the only one that I know the name of, might not have spelled his real name correctly. 

Abi said she doesn't know their real names either, since they made up names for all of them and then she was just confused all week. I'll let you know if she's able to figure out their real names. Or Abi, maybe you can just put it in the comments. She has some new Instagram friends now, and they all miss each other terribly - 
It looks like such a good group of kids and such a fun experience. I'm really glad that she was able to go.
And we said to enjoy it, cause you can't go back, but I guess Abi kinda can... cause she'll be going to another EFY next month in Payson Canyon, so Abi is lucky - she can go back, but it won't be the same people or the same experience. That one will be a new and wonderful experience of it's own. So love the opportunities as they come, cause soon it's over and will just be a memory. 

We're glad she's home. She's slept a lot today. Corey took a nap too after getting up early to go pick her up. So our Saturday work routine was off, I'll have to fix that for next week. I ran some errands with kids - we went to kid to kid to get shorts for Lily. I took Sophi and Natalie to get shorts yesterday. Today Natalie and two of her friends had a "SALE" selling a few old Happy Meal Toys and some books that I had in a DI pile. It was cute. 
I took ALSNODP swimming around 5:15, to give Corey some quiet time to get work done. 
Peter didn't swim the first hour, liked the 6-7 hour, I got in a little bit with him. It wasn't as cold as last time, so that was good. But he was mad when they had the pool clear out at 7 and cried and cried until he fell asleep in my arms. He hadn't had a nap so it was ok. I talked to Nicole on the phone as I held him and he slept. She shared with me a little bit of her Saturday routine and their chore system. I will strive to implement it. We left before 8, picked up one pizza (cause there's weren't any hot-n-ready pizzas ready except one pep) and then home to eat that and get ready for bed. After we got home, Wesley returned from his week at Lake Powell. He's alive and well. Corey took him and Abi to a birthday bbq at Olie's house. Peter was excited to see Wes and showed him all the animals in a new book he got at Kid2Kid... Peter is so sweet.
The kids watched a movie, I took a quick bike ride and enjoyed the sunset - 
Then I came back home and Peter and I worked on his Pre-K workbook. Peter is learning his colors and shapes and he is such a smarty pants. 

I sent a few audio recordings to Wride Nation, our family fb messenger thread, of Peter talking and showing me all the things in his book. His little voice is sure precious. I'm putting kids to bed, Corey and WA should be back soon. It's been a good week and a decent start to the first week of summer. 

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