Thursday, June 10, 2021

Kids Stepping Up

Today I did a good job cleaning, as you can see by how spankin' clean the kitchen was this evening.
I also rescued Corey's office, which was awesome of me. 
I found this treasure among the papers on his desk, which I thought was hilarious:
"Dear Dad, I love you every much. I will love you the same nomader how much you yell. Love Sophia W." Pretty funny. (In case you need the translation: every=very, nomader=no matter) And I mowed the front lawn and cleaned all the cotton from the cotton tree off of the basement patio. So yeah, I did great today and am feeling good. This whole past week was pretty good. Last Thursday, after sharing with the kids our analogy of getting our home to be a functioning stadium (and with our little threat of doing something drastic like moving internationally) the kids have really stepped up. Not huge, but we're taking steps. We started with the basics. I guess this goes along with what I felt was my main take away from this past April General Conference - clear out the debris and build fresh on the principles of the gospel. To help us get going as we started from square one, last Friday I had a little sign at the top of the stairs. The new family rule: No breakfast until you make your bed. 

Being able to eat was enough incentive that this has worked great. And making the bed is a simple enough chore that it's realistic and doable and also gets the ball rolling for cleaning.

I had a little package of four fluorescent papers to use as my posters. While I was making the one above, Owen grabbed the green one and did some artwork. 
It was a nice drawing of love for Corey and I, so I wish the cuteness of his intent hadn't been overshadowed by my frustration. I told him he needs to ask first next time. I was going to use the other papers to make posters next week for the other chores the kids have to, but after we got this first "make your bed" habit down. Too bad for me that Owen is so quick at grabbing unattended paper! It's a cute drawing, and he's a sweet boy. But I'll remember to not turn your back on anything I'm working on if he's around. Usually if something goes missing, Owen is the first suspect as to who took it.

Natalie was awake very early and read for an hour, and then was cleaning up a storm after that, using the little chore cards that we still have kicking around. Her last chore was to practice. She did that as Lily and Sophi were on chores. 

They did great that day, and last Saturday too. I rewarded them all with ice cream cones (that I had to buy because Natalie came to Costco with me, and I feel obligated to buy a family treat when the kids come to the store with me). Peter enjoying his ice cream. He didn't help clean up, but he always gets a pass cause he's the cute baby.

So last Friday was great, and they worked great last Saturday too. This past week was still pretty good. It felt a little easier with only having 6 kids at home. Although, since they are the six youngest kiddos, there is still plenty of chaos. Yesterday, for example, Natalie had ballet pictures and a rehearsal. It started at 12 and was just for an hour. When I got back home after picking her up, I noticed a curious cloudy substance all over the backyard windows. Turns out that, upon my absence, Owen and his friend didn't know how to fill up their water guns with the pitcher of water that I had been filling and bringing out to them, and not realizing they could have used the hose, they decided it would be better to improvise... with rice milk...

Four containers of rice milk emptied into their guns and then sprayed all over the patio, the windows, and the patio ceiling. I was ticked and stern in my rebuking, but I also kept pretty calm. I sent the friend home and Owen helped me wash and squeegee everything. The good news is that when there is a big sticky mess like that, ya gotta clean it up! So now the back patio looks pretty nice! Thanks Owen.
That would not have gotten cleaned today without your making a big mess on it, so thanks I guess? Tomorrow marks one week of everyone making their bed everyday. Some other basics we need to work on is putting away clean clothes and everyone putting their dishes in the sink and taking a turn doing dishes. I'm going to research some options about dishes. I'm glad that Corey's office has been reclaimed. My next task is to rescue the laundry room desk. I'm also trying to watch more of the Minimal Mom's videos and I want to simplify books, clothes, and toys. That will probably be a "whole summer" chore, but its on my list! (My silent to do list but I should probably write out a list too.)

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