Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Bike, Craft, & Kayak

It was a beautiful morning. Nancy and I went on a ride again. We left shortly after 7 am - biking across Silver Spur, then up Armstrong and Dawn's Trail, took connector up to Spiro and then down to Silver Spur and back to the hotel. 

I'm a bit in awe at how incredibly huge the world is. Like I could get lost out here in these mountains. There is so much space, so many canyons and hills and crevasses. And at the same time, I'm amazed at all the small beautiful details too - 

I haven't been listening to podcasts or anything, just enjoying the ride and conversation and watching out for bikers that are faster than us! Back at the room, the kids painted some wood craft toys, most kids made cars and donated them to Peter, since he assumed ownership of all car toys anyway.

It rained on and off today. The pool closed a few times. I got Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner with salad and soda, and had dinner ready at 4:45 so that Corey and kids (Wes, Abi, and Lily) could have some before they left for a kayaking activity with the youth from our neighborhood. They left here at 5 and met up with them at 5:45 at Deer Creek State Park for a float down the Provo River.

The kids weren't thrilled about leaving Park City, but I think they had fun and were glad that they went. Corey drove them down, and he was inspired too by this simple and fun activity, so we'll see if he buys any water toys to add to our growing collection of recreational stuff in the garage.
While they were gone, I left at 7:20 and rode up Armstrong again. I went by myself and went up to HAM trail, so I went further than this morning, and once I started up to the higher trail, I was a little nervous that it was longer than I was ready for and that I'd lose daylight, but I hurried the best I could and made it back at 9 - so it was dark, but I was ok. It smelled so nice - maybe from the rain or I don't know, but there was pine aroma and cool breezes everywhere and I was in love and tried to soak it in, and hurry as fast as I could. I hope to go back up with Corey or Wes before we leave. I got back and was washing off my bike the same time that Corey and the kids were arriving back from kayaking. Wes thought I was leaving "You going for your midnight bike ride now?" Haha! Yeah, my midnight bike ride, yeah! I have done morning and evening rides everyday this week though! Not too shabby! 

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