Thursday, July 8, 2021

Biking and Emerald Bay

We went biking again and at the Corral Trail again. This time is was Corey and Me, our kids, and cousin Seth. 

We all drove up to the top, unloaded the bikes, left the van up there, and I drove Corey's car back down  with OD&P and waited. Peter was asleep, Daniel refuses to bike unless it's on shotgun, and Owen said he didn't want to ride ...until he saw Natalie on his bike, and then they left and he started crying that he wanted to go. Wes was the first one down. He biffed it on one of the jumps and his arm was bleeding. 
So that threw out any chance of him wanting to take another ride down. And since we were biking at like NOON it was hot and that was another reason why I was betting that all the kids would be like "yeah we're done" but we had to go get the van at the top, so I left Wes at the car right when Abi and Seth showed up and I started to bike up the trail to get in a workout. I didn't get very far before they had come up behind me, but I had gone far enough that I was done and out of breath. There was no room for me in the car, so I held onto the rack with Wes. Corey wasn't going fast, cause it was a skinny little mountain trail that needs to be repaired, but it was still scary cause of how much the car and rack would shake as it went over potholes. I guess I don't trust the hitch to hold the weight of us, the rack, and the bikes. So then I got in and said we could make us all fit if we just got on each other's laps. When I came in the car, all the kids really wanted to go on the rack, so then we let Lily and Sophi get on and ride with Seth supervising. When we were almost at the top we had them get off and let Natalie and Owen hold on. We were going to head home, but Owen regretted that he didn't go with Corey, so I said I'd go down with him. Sophi didn't want me to be alone, so she came too. She is very sensitive and aware of how other people might be feeling. 
We were very very slow. I felt bad that everyone was waiting for us to finish since we were not going to be quick. Seth drove the van down to the bottom, but we didn't get there very quickly. When we did we headed back to the Marriott so we could eat and so Wes could nurse his wound. Corey's car has a lot of bikes. The Velocirax is a really good bike rack. Corey is very happy with it. 
Back at the room, the kids played some cute travel games that Grandma brought.
We wanted to do one last touristy thing before we head back tomorrow, so we drove over to Emrald Bay. 
The kids liked climbing up the big granite rock! 
Thanks to the nice stranger who took our group photo. Ok everyone! Look into the sun and try to keep your eyes open! (Cute Daniel!)
Corey told the kids that after they came with us to Emrald Bay, that would be the last thing he made them do on this trip. I wanted us to all go on a walk, but Corey said he couldn't ask them to do more. So true to his word, they headed home. Peter and I took a walk down a trail cause I wanted to go down and touch the water. It was a 1.5 walk. I carried Peter for some of it. We made it to the water! 
Had I not had Peter with me, I seriously would have swam over to the little island. The water was so cool and I just wanted to jump in. When we were almost at the bottom, Lily showed up! She had followed after us. She wanted to touch the water too!
There were a lot of tourist down there and we overheard talk about a bear. We looked over where people were looking, and sure enough, there was a bear! It was not very close, but it kept walking our direction, I'd be nervous, so we started to walk back up the trail. There were little streams tricking down to the bay, and little flowers along the path. I'll post those pictures on my nature blog. Lily took this one of the trees.
Back in the car, we headed back to the Marriott. We stopped by another viewpoint. I took a picture of another family that was there, and then the mom took a picture of us.
And while we were up here reading the info signs, I learned that there was an old 1929 mansion down there at the bottom where we walked to! We totally could have gone and seen it! Tours closed at 4, but we still could have seen it, darn! Of course, that was where the bear was, so maybe that was for the best that we didn't venture closer looking for the mansion. We headed back to the room. Everyone went swimming for one last time. Corey held Peter in the water~
Alix taught Owen and Daniel how to do backflips!
And we'd go warm up in the hot tub every now and then. I loved hearing Peter say "That water super hot!"
Peter and Daniel back in the cool pool.
Everyone had fun. 
Back at the room we learned that the older kids had all be discussing lgbtq issues in the pool, so we stayed up and talked with them about that. I let the little boys watch a movie on my phone while Corey, Abi, Wes and I talked, it was cute to and the boys tuckered out when we were finished. 
ALSN all slept in the lock off room in Corey's parent's unit. We had WODP here. And that's as small as our numbers are! Only 8 kids! 4 boys 4 girls makes it easy to keep track of them. 

We had wanted to go to bed a little earlier to get a little more sleep before the long drive tomorrow, but it's ok. Check out is at 10, so sleep up!

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