Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Hike and Bike

Nancy and I went on a nice walk this morning at Van Sickle Bi-State Park. It was a short walk, but we got up high enough to get a nice view of the lake. 
It was very nice, and it smells gorgeous here in South Lake Tahoe with all the pine aroma in the air. I might attempt to bring the kids up here for a sunset hike, maybe, pending on if we have big kids to help with the little kids so they don't fall to their deaths as they climb the rocks - because I am positive they will climb, and they have no fear about it. I fear on their behalf, so yeah, we'll see if my worry can handle it. No selfies of our hike, but we took a shoes and shadow pic -

Back at the room, we had a bit of Sponge Bob tv watching this morning, and then Corey told us we had to bike or we're not doing stuff like this again. Upon that mandatory ruling, even our reluctant bikers  we all went on a bike outing (although Lily didn't ride). The valet parking here is a bit of a hassle. We tried to gather kids and they waited in the lobby until we figured out seating in the cars - 

We headed to  the Corral Trail and we think everyone liked it. It wasn't crowded, but we had a large group and only 8 bikes, so it was a slight wait for the people who were not having their turn. Hopefully it was still good for everyone. 

For the first round, we all drove up,  The bikers in group 1 were: Jeremy, Seth, Wes, Jordyn, Abi, Alix, Rhyan, and Natalie. We were glad when they started to arrive safely back at the bottom, yay! No one got lost on the mountain! Natalie won the pink face award.

We also found out that Wesley led the group onto the black diamond trail rather than the easy green trail. That resulted in a bit of walking. On the second trip we avoided that and so there was more riding. It was kinda funny, cause when the trail splits into the black or green trails, the easier trail had like 10 feet of rock to climb but then it was easy. The easier looking trail was actually the harder one, so remember that looks can be deceiving! And that sometimes a little bit of perceived work is worth it for a more enjoyable ride for beginners. We loaded up the bikes again and headed up the road to the trail head again. Group 2 was: Corey with Peter, Me, Wes, Jordyn, Abi, Alix, Sophi, Natalie, and Owen. Wes headed down first with most of the girls, Jordyn rode with Owen (thanks Jordyn!)...

And I went back and forth watching them and checking in on Corey, who took Peter. 

Corey also had Sophi in front of him.


Another cute picture of Peter.

We still got off and walked a few times. 

It was a lot of fun. Peter is so sweet on the bike.

Corey said that he really loved the rolling hills and jumps and kept saying "Again! Again!"

One comment about the trail: There was a lot of gravel and sand, so it was a bit slippery and we did a fair share of sliding. It made me appreciate the Corner canyon trails more, they are so fun with the hard packed dirt! I told my nieces that they'll need to come with me on the Rush downhill trail sometime, cause this was fun and nice, but that Rush Trail is a blast! So it's been a nice day here. Corey went jeeping with his brother, I stayed in the room with Peter, the older cousins took Owen and Daniel to the pool, and yeah, it's been a nice day here in South Lake Tahoe.

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